We all have such a lot to be grateful for... our friends, our loved ones, even the life we live.
I'm also grateful for my brain, though I'm told that aging is responsible for a decrease in your brain’s health and fitness.
If you're not ready to take that realization laying down... and want to maintain great brain health a long way through your
life, there are a number of things you can do RIGHT NOW to improve your mental powers...
I listed them in a recent blog post. Here's a snippet of what
I wrote:
1. Switch it up! Break Up Your Routine.
Try taking a different route to work, eating lunch in a different
spot, or reading a book as opposed to watching TV.
Anything that interrupts your habits asks your brain to make new and different connections and associations can help
stimulate the production of neurotrophins, an important protein responsible for superior brain health.
Follow this link here to read the full post...
7 Ways To Boost Your Brain Power Right Now
There are some really good action points here... I can't wait to get out and get started!
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How to kick your bad habits to the kerb - Psychiatrist Judson
Brewer talks about how habits start – be it good or bad – and
how to use the power of mindfulness to break them.
How to Draw Your Future - Patti Dobrowolski, a writer and
business consultant, did an eye-opening TED talk on this...
Watch the video here!
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I hope you have a fantastic week ahead. I will chat to
you again soon!
Your friend,
Heather Mathews
Manifestation Miracle
Unica Publications Ltd
4281 Express Lane Suite L2521
Sarasota Florida 34238