An Assortment of Ways to make a Better World
Thoughts and ideas of Yeremiah and his views of the world. These are only views and opinions, they shouldn't be looked at as factual in any way.


Welcome and Thank-You for viewing my blog. These are a portrayal of my ideas and thoughts as well as my dreams. I hope you enjoy what you read and leave comments fso I can improve upon my writings. Thanks again for taking the time to read my thought.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018


I think we all have had to start over, and it's not always easy - even if it is something we want.

Whenever we make a change in life, we have to let go of something or many things to get something else.

Don't let fear stop you.  Life is constantly changing around us and in us. Learn to embrace change as a natural part of life.  Look at your new start as an adventure in learning more about yourself and the world around you.

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