An Assortment of Ways to make a Better World
Thoughts and ideas of Yeremiah and his views of the world. These are only views and opinions, they shouldn't be looked at as factual in any way.


Welcome and Thank-You for viewing my blog. These are a portrayal of my ideas and thoughts as well as my dreams. I hope you enjoy what you read and leave comments fso I can improve upon my writings. Thanks again for taking the time to read my thought.

Monday, December 25, 2017

May You Always Be Blessed with Positive Days

May the days be good to you: comforting more often than crazy and giving more often then taking.

May the passing seasons make sure that any heartaches are replaced with a million smiles and that any hard journey eventually turn into nice, easy miles that take you everywhere you want to go.

May your dreams do their absolute best to come true. May your heart be filled with the kindness of friends, the caring of everyone you love, and the richness of memories you wouldn't trade for anything.

May life's little worries always stay small. May you get a little closer every day to any goal you want to acheive.

May any changes be good ones and any challenges turn out to be for the better.

May you find time to do the things you've always wanted to do!

And may you be blessed with positive days....forever.--Douglas Pagels

Saturday, December 23, 2017

When You Beleive in Yourself, You Have So Much Going For You

You have abiities and talents and attributes that beong to yo alone, and you have what it takes to make your path a success...lead to happiness.

Find things to be positive about every day!

You have the courage and strength to see things through. You have smiles that will serve as your guides. You have a light that  will shine in you till the end of time.

You have gifts that have never been opened and personal journeys waiting to be explored. You have so much going for you.

You are a special person, and you have a future that is in the best hands. And you need to remember: if you have plans you want to act on and dreams you've always wanted to come true....

You have what it takes, have you.  --Douglas Pagels

If You Have the Right Attitude, You Can't Go Wrong

You are personally responsible for so much of the sunshine that brightens up your life. Optimists and gentle souls continually benifit from their own versions of daylight saving time. They get extra hours of happiness and sunshine every day.

Always take time for the things that bring a sense of joy to your heart. Reap the rewards that will come from all the good intentions you have and the people who are so glad to have you in their days.

Move ahead of every worry. Move beyond any sorrows. Always look on the bright side. And have yourself a wealth....of beautiful tomorrows. --Douglas Pagels

You Really Can Make Each Day a Positive One!

You can be optmistic. Because people who can expect things to turn out for the best often set the stage to recieve a beautiful result.

You can put things in perspective. Because some things are important, and others are definitely not.

You can remember that beyond the clouds, the sun is still shining. You can meet each challenge and give it all you've got.

You can count your blessings. You can be inspired to climb your ladders and have some nice, long talks with your wishing stars. You can be strong and patient. You can be gentle and wise.

And you can believe in happy endings. Because you are the author of the story of your life.  --Douglas Pagels

Today is a gift. Enjoy the present.

When a new day unfolds in the story of your life, wonderful things can come into view....Brand-new mornings can beckon you. New promises can be made. New commitments can be kept. New ways of seeing the world can make you wonder why you never envisioned this before. New people can care. New smies can appear. New memories can be made. Old worries can fade and make you wonder why they even bothered you so much to begin with.

Today is a gift that can't be unwrapped and to show you what's inside.
--Douglas Pagels

Be Optimistic and Happy and Wise .....and Make the Most of Every Day

Each day brings with it the miracle of a new beginning. Many of the moments ahead will be marvelously disguised as ordinary days, but each one of us has the chance to make something extraordinary out of them.

Sometimes it's important to work for the pot of gold.

But other times it's essential to take off and to make sure that your most important decision in the day simply consists of choosing which color to slide down on the rainbow.  --Douglas Pagels

Daily Readings to Make Your Life the Best It Can Be

Monday: Never forget that a life well lived is simply a compilation of days well spent. Make today special!

Tuesday: Unwind a little and smile a lot and try not to be negative about anything.

Wednesday: Don't just have minutes in the day. Have moments in time.

Thursday: Shine bright enough to light your way and be grateful whenever you can.

Friday: Know that the happiest people in the world are those who have a hard time recalling their worries and an easy time remembering their blessings.

Saturday: Realize that you can always turn a difficult situation around and make it turn out right.

And someday: Discover every joy that wants to come true for you....on your precious journey through life. 
--Douglas Pagels

Stay Positive, No Matter What

You're an original, an individual, a masterpiece. Celebrate that, don't let your uniqueness make you shy. Don't be someone other than the wonder you are. Every star is imortant to the sky.

Stay positive, no matter what.

And when it seems like your getting overlooked and under-appreciated, find some reassurance and comfort in quietly saying this:

I am aware that I am less then some people would prefer me to be, but most people are unaware that I am so much more than what they see.
--Douglas Pagels

Making Today as Sweet as It Can Be

Living life as a positive person means living a life thatis blessed with awareness, appreciation, and accomplishment.

When you are a positive person, there is aways a brighter light in your life. More goals get reached and more journeys take you exacty where you want to go. You can add immensely to your serenity and your opportunities can blossom more beautifully.

When you have hope in your heart and a great attitude, you can live with an abundance of goodness and grace shining inside you. --Douglas Pagels

Positively Wonderful News About Your Future

Yesterday is behind you. What's done is done, and it's important for you to take what you learned from the past and just move on. Today is a brand-new opportunity, a blank canvas, an unwritten page...just waiting to see. All that needs to happen right now is for you.... to do all the amazing things you're capable of.

And tomorrow! That's the place where promises come true. You'll need to be smart and stay strong to live the life you want to have. But don't ever forget: you are creative, and capable, and wise, and I know you have what it takes to make your days everything you want them to be. And remember this for sure....

You can't change a single thing about the past, but you can change absolutely everything about the future.    
--Douglas Pagels

Every Day Is a Chance to Shine in Your Own Specia Way

No one else in the entire world is exactly like you. You're a one-of-a-kind treasure, uniquely here in this space and time. You are here to shine in your own wonderful way, sharing your smie in the best way you can, and remembering all the while that a little light somewhere makes a brighter light everywhere. You can -- and you do -- make a wonderful contribution to the world.

Never forget what a treasure you are. You may not always get to hear all the compliments you sweetly deserve, but you are so worthy of such an abundance... of friendship, joy, and love.   --Douglas Pagels

Always Look on the Bright Side!

A wise person once said, "Today is a day to have a good day."

As you go through the year ahead, remember that each sunrise brings us new opportunities to bring smies and success into our lives. Every day is filled with so many possibilities! Never forget that you are wished such beautiful opportunities in all the months to come and that you are so deserving of every joy this year will bring. Make every day a positive one, and may you be bessed with all these things....

A little more joy, a little less stress, a lot more recognition of your wonderfulness.

Abundance in your life, blessings in your day, dreams that come true, and hopes that stay.

A rainbow on the horizon, an angel by your side...and everything that could ever bring a smile to your life. --Douglas Pagels

Friday, December 15, 2017

Dealing with Frustrations

How many times have you gotten frustrated when difficulties arise and you can't control the outcome?  Me?  More times than you could imagine. 

Like you, Yeremiah, I'm human too. 

I've made a conscious decision not to be bitter over things I can't control.  I just try to work my way through the situations the best I can.  Sometimes I succeed and sometimes I fail.

Today I will remember others who have many difficulties in their lives. They may need love, understanding, attention or just an ear to listen.  I will give what I can and continue on my path.

I hope your day is filled with a bit of reflection - if something is making you bitter - let it go.

You will feel a huge weight lifting off your shoulders.  Do it for you - you deserve it!

Wednesday, December 13, 2017


Written by Marlene Blas

How hard is to adjust to change? I think it depends on whether or not the change was your idea. When we decide to change, we usually jump in with both feet, excited about the possibilities that lie ahead. When change is forced upon us, we rebel. We look for every reason that the change imposed will not work.

What could happen if we learned to embrace change as a normal part of our lives and didn't fight with ourselves over it? Isn't it really our own perception of change that either holds us back or propels us forward?

Many of us have our own ideas on what is an acceptable change and what isn't. The truth is change happens to us everyday. People change everyday; they grow. Our circumstances change a bit everyday as something new is thrown into the equation.

Yet, even though we intellectually know that change is constant, we fight to keep what is; what's familiar.

This New Year will be a year of change for all of us. I suggest we look for new ways to handle change, if change brings us stress and discomfort.

I have had a multitude of changes happen in my life over the last ten years, not all wanted. Some of the changes brought tears to my eyes, pains to my heart and questions to my soul. Other brought joy, sheer bliss and gratefulness.

How did I survive all of it?

You can read more here:

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

My Personal Greatest Hero

Jimmy Yen -

Who do we most respect and admire? Why our Heroes of course. What are the characteristics of a Hero? Heroes are courageous and self-reliant, and they are greatly admired. Being courageous and self-reliant are the characteristics that create heroes. Being admired is something that comes afterward.

Name a genuine Hero who followed the crowd? It’s a crazy question, because Heroes don’t follow the crowd. A hero may or may not lead other people, but all heroes lead themselves. Heroes are self confident independent thinkers who make courageous choices. By committing their entire focus to their goals, Heroes leave no time or energy for worry or self-inflicted emotional suffering. Heroism is a path to a joyful life as well as to inspired service.

Want to be a Hero, just pick one to emulate - WRONG. To be heroic, don’t emulate a hero, learn from one. Heroes don’t follow anyone, they set their own course.

At the end of this article there is an exercise for considering your own greatest hero and which of their qualities inspire you.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

First thought

What do you think about the very first thing in the morning?

Your thoughts during the first half-hour of the morning will greatly influence the entire day. You may not realize this, but it is nevertheless a fact.

If you set out with worry and depression, and bitterness of soul toward fate or man, you are giving the key note to a day of discord and misfortunes.

If you think peace, hope, and happiness, you are sounding a note of harmony and success. The result may not be felt at once, but it will not fail to make itself evident eventually.

Control your morning thoughts. You can do it.

The first moment on waking, no matter what your mood, say to yourself:

"I will get all the comfort and pleasure possible out of this day, and I will do something to add to the measure of the world's happiness or well-being. I will control myself when tempted to be irritable or unhappy, I will look for the bright side of every event."

Once you say these things over to yourself in a calm, earnest way, you will begin to feel more cheerful. The worries and troubles of the coming day will seem less colossal.

Then say:

"I shall be given help to meet anything that comes today. Everything will be for the best. I shall succeed in whatever I undertake. I cannot fail."

Do not let it discourage you if the moment you leave your room you encounter a trouble or a disaster. This usually happens. When we make any boasts, spiritually or physically, we are put to the test. The occult forces about us are not unlike human beings.

When a schoolboy boasts of his strength, and says he can "lick any boy in school," he generally gets a chance to prove it. When we declare we are brave enough to overcome any fate, we find our strength put to the test at once.

But that is all right.

Prove your words to be true. Regard the troubles and cares you encounter as the "punching bags" of fate, given you to develop your spiritual muscle. Go at them with courage and keep to your morning resolve.

By and by the troubles will lessen, and you will find yourself master of circumstances.

--- Ella Wilcox Wheeler

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Happiness is Important

"Are you bored with life? Then throw yourself into some work you believe in with all your heart, live for it, die for it, and you will find happiness that you had thought could never be yours."

--- Dale Carnegie

I think this quote kind of speaks for itself.  If you're not doing this now, think about what you would like to do. How can you move closer to your vision? 

What will you need to get started?  A plan?  How will you work your plan? What steps can you take each day, that will help you get closer to your goal?

Tuesday, November 14, 2017


Where are you going?  Is there a clear path or are you a trailblazer, building your own? Life is like that - sometimes it clear which road to follow and at other times, we must decide on our own. 

When you are going somewhere, you will know what to do.  Good luck on the journey, enjoy each moment!  If you need to change direction or pick another path, do so with confidence. 

Monday, November 13, 2017

Greatness is here to stay

Are you ready for a great day today?  A great week? 

Today's quote speaks to the optimist in you.  What exactly is an optimist?  According to the dictionary:

1. a person who tends to be hopeful and confident about the future or the success of something.

"only an eternal optimist could expect success"

2. a person who believes that this world is the best of all possible worlds or that good must ultimately prevail over evil.

Being an optimist doesn't mean you can't have frustrating moments or feel down sometimes.  What it does mean is that you can see past the doom and gloom with the expectation of brighter moments and days ahead.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

I Approve of Myself

For the next month, say over and over to yourself, “I APPROVE OF MYSELF.”

Do this three or four hundred times a day, at least. No, it’s not too many times. When you are worrying, you go over your problem at least that many times. Let “I approve of myself” become a walking mantra, something you just say over and over and over to yourself, almost nonstop.

Saying “I approve of myself” is a guaranteed way to bring up everything buried in your consciousness that is in opposition.

When negative thoughts come up, such as, “How can I approve of myself when I am fat?” or “It’s silly to think this can do any good,” or “I am no good,” or whatever your negative babble will be, this is the time to take mental control. Give these thoughts no importance. Just see them for what they are — another way to keep you stuck in the past. Gently say to these thoughts, “I let you go; I approve of myself.”

Even considering doing this exercise can bring up a lot of stuff, like “It feels silly,” “It doesn’t feel true,” “It’s a lie,” “It sounds stuck up,” or “How can I approve of myself when I do that?”

Let all these thoughts just pass through. These are only resistance thoughts. They have no power over you unless you choose to believe them.

“I approve of myself, I approve of myself, I approve of myself.” No matter what happens, no matter who says what to you, no matter who does what to you, just keep it going. In fact, when you can say that to yourself when someone is doing something you don’t approve of, you will know you are growing and changing.

Thoughts have no power over us unless we give in to them. Thoughts are only words strung together. They have NO MEANING WHATSOEVER. Only we give meaning to them. Let us choose to think thoughts that nourish and support us.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Everyone Is Capable

Your Team Members Do Not Have To Be Perfect!
By Mike Marino, Jr.

I would like to say that, the biggest room in the world is the room for improvement. I believe everyone wants to constantly improve. I believe each one of us is created as perfection; however, the results we create are excellent, so there is lots of room for improvement in what we do.

The associates I hired in my bicycle and lawn mower shop like myself, were never perfect; however, they were excellent. Working with them as they improved taught me new ways to show forgiveness, understanding, and patience.

My first employee was in a wheelchair from an auto accident that happened when he was sixteen. I hired him to answer the telephone and talk to customers who came into the store. My second employee had one arm.

Word spread that I hired people with physical challenges. The placement officer at a local community college with a rehabilitation school called on my business about hiring people with physical and mental limitations.

One day the placement officer asked me to interview a young man who was having trouble finding a job. He told me that David was a little shy, did not talk much and was afraid to go on interviews. He requested that I grant David an interview just for practice. He plainly told David that I had no positions open at the time and the interview was just for practice.

When David came in for the interview, he hardly said a word. I told him what we do at the bicycle Shop and showed him around. When the interview was over I told him I would keep his application on file. Then I took a few minutes to coach David on how to apply for a job. I told David to keep showing up (figuratively) because the number one thing an employer wants in an associate is dependability.

David was very quiet (he was evaluated as a slow learner in school). Every ten days or so, for weeks after the interview, David walked into the bicycle shop and stood by the front door. He never said a word, just stood by the door. I would tell him kindly, "I really do not have any positions open at this time." I wished he would go away but he kept showing up!

The shop was a very labor-intensive place to work, with students unloading trucks, assembling bicycles and lawn mowers, making repairs and waiting on customers. I usually had seventeen employees at one time, mostly high school and college students.

David continued to keep coming by about every ten days. He never said a word.

One day, shortly before Christmas, a large tractor-trailer backed up to the shop, packed with 250 new, unassembled bicycles. It had to be unloaded right away or the driver would leave, and it might be a long time before I could get him back for the delivery.

It was raining. Some of my student workers (without physical limitations) chose not to brave the weather to get into work, so I was short handed. The place was crowded with shoppers. Frustrated customers were waiting to be served. A line formed at the counter.

It seemed everything was going wrong and on top of it, David came in the front door and just stood there.

Hmm... What would you do in this situation? Tell David to leave or get in here and help?

Let's find the answer and much more:

Friday, November 3, 2017

Endless Train of Thoughts

Does your mind often feel like a busy station? 

The next time it feels like there’s an endless train of thoughts, try this: Get off the train of thoughts.  Just as you can sit on the platform and watch the trains come and go, in the same way, watch your thoughts come and go.

Just sit and watch, and you'll most probably find that all the trains have departed from your mind. Anonymous

Thursday, November 2, 2017


Laughter has a beautiful way of easing the burdens you carry on a daily basis. It allows you to relax for a minute, enjoy yourself before you get back to the business of being so serious.

We need to learn how to relieve stress in a positive way; laughter can do this.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Who's Problem Is It Really?

A man feared his wife wasn't hearing as well as she used to and he thought she might need a hearing aid. Not quite sure how to approach her, he called the family Doctor to discuss the problem.

The Doctor told him there is a simple informal test the husband could perform to give the Doctor a better idea about her hearing loss.

Here's what you do," said the Doctor, "stand about 40 feet away from her, and in a normal conversational speaking tone see if she hears you. If not, go to 30 feet, then 20 feet, and so on until you get a response."

That evening, the wife is in the kitchen cooking dinner, and he was in the den. He says to himself, "I'm about 40 feet away, let's see what happens." Then in a normal tone he asks, 'Honey, what's for dinner?"

No response.

What happens next?

Remember this has to do with our perception. Let's read a bit more:

Monday, October 30, 2017

7 Steps For Success

Write Down Your Goals

Discipline yourself to do what you know you need to do to be the very best in your field. Perhaps the best definition of self discipline is this:

"Self discipline is the ability to make yourself do what you should do when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not."

It is easy to do something when you feel like it. It's when you don't feel like it and you force yourself to do it anyway that you move your life and career onto the fast track.

What decisions do you need to make today in order to start moving toward the top of your field?

Whatever it is, either to get in or get out, make a decision today and then get started. This single act alone can change the whole direction of your life.

Seven Steps to Success

There is a powerful seven step formula that you can use to set and achieve your goals for the rest of your life. Every single successful person uses this formula or some variation of this formula to achieve vastly more than the average person. And so can you. Here it is:

Riddle of Life

Here’s a riddle: What do traffic jams, long lines and waiting for a vacation to start all have in common?

Aside from the painfully obvious fact that they’re completely unwelcome stressors in our lives, there’s another answer: They’re all situations where we could use a little extra patience.

In our defense, it’s not really surprising or fault-worthy if we don’t practice the virtue often.

In a digitally obsessed world, we’re used to having what we need immediately and right at our fingertips. Even further, we’re constantly busy. Between rushing from work, to home, to kids’ recitals or Zumba class, it’s no wonder we don’t really have patience. Our environment makes us think that we don’t have the time for it.

However, despite our aversion, research suggests that if we practiced patience, we’d be a whole lot better off. Here are five ways we can learn to cultivate more patience — and why we should want to.

The link to the rest of the article:  Hope it helps!

Thursday, October 19, 2017


I do believe in angels and have known many people who see them with wings.  I have only seen them with human faces, young and old.

Often I wonder how they really are enjoying their life experience. 

As humans, we're not perfect.  We hurt others with unkind words or deeds.  Most of the time we are not even aware of what we are doing because we don't slow down long enough to live in the present moment and be with people fully.

Always wanted an angel to appear to me.  Maybe someday one will. Until then I will keep trying each day to do my best, as I know you will too.

Question: Have you ever seen or known a real angel?

Friday, October 13, 2017

Light of Life

The light is right there inside of you; you are the bright light you've been looking for.  Maybe you are a light of truth, or of hope or of faith, integrity - the list can go on and on.  I would venture to guess that you are one, two, three or more bright lights to many people.

If you keep those parts hidden you are depriving yourself and others of your greatness.

Shine a bit today, if you're not use to it.  Don't be afraid that you won't get it right.  You will.  Maybe not the first, second or third time, but I can guarantee you if you practice  - your beacon will twinkle.


When you take responsibility for your actions and do everything in your power to correct them, go grow, you learn and you move on.  Don't get stuck by holding on to pride or whatever it is that holds you back.

Learn to be that bigger person, if you are not already.  Your life becomes lighter when you do.

Friday is maybe your last day of work this week - reach out to someone over the weekend by phone or in person, not by email, text or social networks.  Enjoy conversing with a person you really know. 

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Sight and Sound

By Miles Patrick Yohnke

Insight From Unexpected Places

I have to admit that the first time I saw her, I felt sorry for her. It was the summer of '92.

By her walk, you could tell she was a proud lady.

Her posture was like something found on the catwalks of a Milan fashion show. She was well-poised and sophistically dressed with coifed hair. She moved with a breezy pace along the streets of my recently moved to area of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

This nearly retired, petite lady was legally blind.

I would see her from afar over the course of more than two decades.

She moved so speedily that the moment to meet, let alone talk, never really presented itself.

But in the summer of '17 though, it did.

So what happens next? What will we learn?

Sight and Sound - Read the rest of the story:

Have a wonderful day and take care!

Love and blessings,



Miles is celebrating his birthday today. Through his 50+ articles on our website, he has tried to engage and enlighten us to what life has been like in his world and so many other people.

Thank you Miles for always bringing your best to everything you do and believing in the goodness of people. Happy, happy birthday!

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Fostering Growth

By Miles Patrick Yohnke

On the night of Tuesday, March 15th, 2016, she was there listening to her brother Case take some of his last breaths. His eyes fully open, though previously closed for all of that day, she didn't know when his time would come but she would be with him.

She was close to him during all of his life and was there, in Northern California where he resided, far away from her own home in Waterford, Michigan, for those tough last weeks, those last hardest moments.

Continue reading about how someone's live changed in a way they never imagined, and as a result how my life changed too.

Fostering Growth - The Rest Of The Story:

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Never Give Up

By Murali Duggineni

Just imagine a young girl who learned dancing when she was three-years old and whose greatest passion remains dancing.

She loses one of her legs in an accident.

Read on this true incident that took place almost 20 years ago and find out whether she gives up dancing or fights back to realize what she believes in:

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Your Own Star

By Miles Patrick Yohnke

Copyright © 2017 - All Rights Reserved.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder where you are!
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.

This is a popular English lullaby. The lyrics are from an early 19th-century English poem, "The Star". Many of us were sung to sleep with this song as children. Perhaps you were.

A lullaby or cradle song is a soothing song or piece of music, usually played for or sung to children. It fosters rest, well-being, comfort and envelopes love.

A star is a luminous sphere of plasma held together by its own gravity.

As an adult, what holds us together? As children we look up at the stars - often wanting to be one - A star in some form.

The Oscar Award-winning documentary film "20 Feet from Stardom" features Grammy Award-winning artist Lisa Fischer.

If one attends any of Lisa's live concerts, you realize and it is clearly evident that she is not only a star, but that she is totally, spiritually at one within her own being. A star within her own galaxy. Her own solar system. Her own orbit. Her vocal ability and connection to a song causes a gravitational pull that the listener cannot escape nor would want to.

You may wonder, how did she get there? To be that perfect?

Continue reading:

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

A Time Comes In Our Life Our Awakening

A time comes in our life when we finally get it. When in the midst of all our fears and insanity, we stop dead in our tracks, and somewhere the voice inside our head cries out ~ ENOUGH!

Enough fighting and crying and struggling to hold on. And, like a child quieting down after a blind tantrum, our sobs begin to subside, we shudder once or twice, we blink back our tears, and through a mantle of wet lashes we begin to look at the world through new eyes.

This is our awakening.

We realize that it's time to stop hoping and waiting for something to change, or for happiness, safety and security to come galloping over the next horizon. We come to terms with the fact that he/she is not Prince Charming or Cinderella, and we are not Cinderella or Prince Charming!

We awaken to the fact that we are not perfect, that not everyone will always love, appreciate, or approve of who or what we are, and that's okay. (They're entitled to their own views and opinions.) And we learn the importance of loving and championing ourselves; and in the process a sense of newfound confidence is born of self-approval.

We stop complaining and blaming other people for the things they did to us (or didn't do for us) and we learn that the only thing we can really count on is God (the supernatural power of the universe.)

We learn that people don't always say what they mean or mean what they say, and sometimes they don't even know themselves.

We also learn that not everyone will always be there for us; and that it's not always about us. So, we learn to stand on our own, and to take care of ourselves, and in the process, a sense of safety and security is born of self-reliance.

We stop judging and pointing fingers and we begin to accept people as they are, and to overlook their shortcomings and human frailties; and in the process, a sense of peace and contentment is born of forgiveness.

We realize that much of the way we view ourselves and the world around us, is as a result of all the messages and opinions that have been ingrained into our psyche.

We begin to sift through all that we've been fed about how we should behave, how we should look, and how much we should weigh; what we should wear and where we should shop, and what we should drive; how and where we should live, and what we should do for a living; who we should sleep with, who we should marry, and what we should expect of a marriage; the importance of having and raising children, or what we owe our parents.

We learn to open up to new worlds and different points of view. And we begin reassessing and redefining who we are and what we really stand for.

Continue reading:

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Grandpa's Little Buddy

By Brian G. Jett

As Steven stood awkwardly on the bank of Lake Malone in Western Kentucky, his grandfather watched his "Little Buddy" desperately attempt to get just one of the many flat rocks he'd gathered to skip over the lake's sun reflective surface.

"Keep at it son!" his grandfather shouted with much enthusiasm.

"Grandpa," Steven asked in his pre-adolescent and breaking voice, "Why am I no good at anything I try? I want to be a great pitcher like you used to be!"

His grandfather gently touched his shoulder while observing his grandson's eyes beginning to brim with tears. "Little Buddy, let me tell you why you are already a great pitcher and will be a better pitcher than your old grandpa ever was. Can I give you a little advice son?

Steven looked intensely into his hero's eyes and replied, "Yes grandpa! I'll do anything to be great like you!"

His grandfather sat him down on a hollowed out log and pulled him in close. "Little Buddy, I want you to remember what I am about to tell you and all I ask is that you never forget what I had to learn the hard way. Do you promise you will remember?" Steven's grandfather asked.

Without pause, Steven assured his grandfather he'd remember any and everything he told him.

His grandfather continued, "If you think someone is better than you, always remember that you are the only one who is thinking the other guy is."

His grandson looked at him inquisitively and caught his grandfather off guard with his response. "So you're saying that I need to use my brain, is that what you said grandpa?"

"You got it Little Buddy! Many folks focus on what they are doing wrong, but the winners figure out what they are doing right."

His grandson replied with yet another super insight based on what he'd heard his grandfather say. "So I need to tell myself that I am good?" he asked.

His grandfather smiled and went further: "Not only do you need to tell yourself that you're good, you must always believe that you are great! You see Little Buddy, you've got determination and grit. I've been watching you throw those stones for over two hours and anyone who stays at it that long has what it takes to be a winner even though he may get a bit down on occasion!"

As they walked back up the hill to the home Steven's grandfather built for him and his wife 20 years earlier, his grandfather took hold of his Little Buddy's hand and stated the last piece of wisdom Steven would ever hear him provide. "

You'll be at the pitcher's mound next season and I'll be there Lord willing. When you're on that mound, I want you to repeat to yourself what I'm about to tell you when you start to throw each ball. Are you listening son?"

What could the grandfather possibly say? Continue reading:

Thursday, August 24, 2017

If You Want More Energy (Naturally) or You're Feeling Tired and Overwhelmed, Check This Out...

Note: There are still some doctors who feel that all supplements are a waste of money. If you agree with them, ignore this promo... ;-)

Subscribers have asked us if we can recommend supplements that naturally boost energy, help with fatigue, weight loss, and burn-out, and are cost-effective, promote health, and have the ingredients promised.

We literally searched the globe to find vitamins and supplements we were willing to recommend...

In 2003, we found a New Zealand company that actually delivers what they promise (what a concept!). Their excellent products can be shipped to the US. We've been using their products since 2003, and our experience with their products has been great.

Shipping is inexpensive (and free for orders over $60). Products arrive in just a few days.

Even if you're happy with your current formula, sign up for their Free Newsletter and blog updates.

Why not check them out? Visit:

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Self Growth

Are you interested in self-growth for your personal life or business life? Be as patient as you would with someone else.  You will need tools for your growth toolbox.  Stay tuned, tomorrow we will unveil an easy way to learn.

What Kind Of Friend Are You?

A man and his dog were walking along a road. The man was enjoying the scenery, when it suddenly occurred to him that he was dead. He remembered dying, and that the dog had been dead for years. He wondered where the road was leading them.

After a while, they came to a high, white stone wall along one side of the road. It looked like fine marble. At the top of a long hill, it was broken by a tall arch that glowed in the sunlight. When he was standing before it, he saw a magnificent gate in the arch that looked like mother of pearl, and the street that led to the gate looked like pure gold.

He and the dog walked toward the gate, and as he got closer, he saw a man at a desk to one side. When he was close enough, he called out, "Excuse me, where are we?"

"This is Heaven, sir," the man answered.

"Wow! Would you happen to have some water?" the man asked.

"Of course, sir. Come right in, and I'll have some ice water brought right up." The man gestured, and the gate began to open.

"Can my friend," gesturing toward his dog, "come in, too?" the traveler asked.

What did the man say? Continue reading:

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Explosions Of The Heart

Written by Miles Patrick Yohnke

I had experienced the black car parade at the age of five, after my father was killed in a potash mine accident, so I know death intimately.

Growing up in the 70's, before the billboards, advertising and paralegal companies that sprung up creating easy divorces (i.e. No Complications. Call Now), it was still fairly common to have two parents at home. In school, I was the only one in our class that didn't have a father.

Father's day was always awkward. The teacher would say, "Class, today we are making something for our Dads." "Oh, great," I thought, as I placed 'Ken' for my oldest brother on the item I made. Awkward, it was just plain awkward.

I know depression and hatred all too well. Having a learning disorder, I was unmercifully bullied through elementary school. Not only from the fellow students, but from the teachers as well. Les e bon temps roule, Let the Good times roll.

Like many, I have had my heart broken. Dumped. Depleted. Rejected. Various forms of physical anguish, different kinds of sad-various shades. However, I didn't know fire.

I live in what is called the cool district of our city--the Broadway district. I live on the top floor, facing southwest. It is a great view. People tell me it looks like the cover artwork of "Hotel California" by the Eagles. Indeed it is like that. On the morning of Wednesday, Aug 8th, 2012 at 2:52am, I was awakened by a very loud, ground shaking bang! Kaboom! Explosions rang out.

I ran to my living room window to see what happened. Thick dark smoke was danced ominously about. It appeared to be coming out the new high rise that was just built. The sound of a car horn blaring. I real sense of chaos was occurring before my eyes. Something far more then me.

There's much more to this story. Continue reading:

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Start Believing In You Written by Stanley Anukege

No matter the kind of booing or abuses you get, just because you're not good at something, shouldn't stop you from being the champion you are.

Yes, we’re all champions if we see ourselves as one.

Growing up for me was a challenge. I started out at primary school and was always asked by my teacher to sit at the back of the class because I was a dullard.

I kept forgetting things; I forgot nursery rhymes and spellings. I was the butt of class jokes and I was all alone, friendless and dejected and always in dullsville. I hated school, but my dad would hear none of it. He kept telling me I was a champion, if I believed it.

A turn around came one day when I remembered the spelling of the word 'Cognoscenti '; a word all the other 'bright students' had forgotten how to spell because they spent their free time making fun of me.

I wasn't asked to spell, even though I raised up my hands. So I stood up and went to the front of class, with 23 pairs of eyes piercing me like darts.

The intensity is increasing? What happens next?:

Thursday, August 3, 2017


Why does it seem that we can accept others the way they are, yet we have a hard time accepting ourselves?  No matter where you are on your life path, you are incredible and deserve all the love, attention, kindness and forgiveness you give to others.

Give a little bit to yourself each day.  Imagine how you will feel in 30 days!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017


Everyone has problems that they have to deal with. They are part of life, your life. You can let them defeat you or you can use them to motivate you. It's all in how you look at things - half empty or half full.

What could happen if the next time a problem arose and you said, "Okay, this will not defeat me. I have solved many problems before and I can do it again!"

Can you imagine this scenario - coming from your position of strength?

I wish you a beautiful day knowing you can handle everything that comes your way.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Just for today.....

Just for today I will be happy. This assumes what Abraham Lincoln said is true: 'Most folks are about as happy as they make their mind up to be.' Happiness comes from within; it is not a matter of externals.

Just for today I will try to adjust myself to what is; not try to adjust everything to my own desires. I will take my family, my business, and my luck as they come and fit myself to them.

Just for today I will take care of my body. I will exercise it, care for it, nourish it, not abuse or neglect it, so that it will be a perfect machine for my bidding.

Just for today I will try to strengthen my mind. I will learn something useful. I will not be a mental loafer. I will read something that requires effort, thought, and concentration.

Let's see what the other 6 are:

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Face The Challenges

Written by Dale Schlundt, M.A.

Life May Be A Consistent Challenge, But That Is OK...

I am sitting here in jury duty, waiting for my name to be called. I haven't decided whether it is better not to be called, ultimately just sitting here all day, or to be picked for a case and at least be doing something. I'll let you know on my decision later. Regardless, I began thinking, what a better time to write about a topic that we can all use, inspiration.

Now to finish telling you about why this subject seems so relevant right now, I am an educator and this is my first day of spring break... To top it off, my laptop will not connect to the internet. So if you are reading this article, you should know that I ended up restraining myself from performing a Steven Segal kick on my computer, despite the strong urge I am having to do so at the moment.

Regardless of how my day seems to be going at the courthouse and the tasks I still need to complete at home (grading papers), which my civic duty is preventing me from accomplishing, my life is pretty good.

The idea I am writing about for this piece is that the older I become, the more I realize that what my father told me was true. Life is a constant fight to survive. But the good news... that doesn't have to be a negative thing.

What does the writer mean? Let's keep reading:

Friday, July 14, 2017

True Friends

Having a true friend can enrich your life. If you don't have one yet, you will. Life is good and you can be a true friend to someone else too.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Try yout best always

Always keep trying; don't give up if you don't make it the first time, second time, third... If you have heart, you know that whatever comes your way, you will get through it.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Be Unique; Be Yourself

Written by Stanley Anukege

Funny how you'd ask a kid today what he/she'd like to be when they grow up and they'd say,

'I want to be like my daddy or like my mummy.'

You ask the same question to teenagers and you'd hear them saying they want to be like R.Kelly or Obama; like Dora Akunyili or Beyonce.

These people are great in their own rights, yes they are; read the papers, but that's not enough reason to spend your time living out a life just trying to be an image of another person.

This same question is not just limited to kids and teens.  Ask adults, business men/women and they'd also tell you they want to be like Bill Gates or Ellen Sirleaf Johnson.

We all have people as role models, who we want to be like.

Folks, we live in a world that is populated with more than a billion people. If you doubt me, ask the Chinese. Different people from different backgrounds, some are born with silver spoons and others with no spoon at all. We live in a world of challenges and solutions, obstacles and stepping-stones, depending on where you're looking.

Let's continue:

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Important Rule

One of the most important rules to me is to expect to win. Always have this in your mind - admit that you can't see it any other way. Create, prepare and go for it!

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Teamwork Victory! - What To Focus On To Strengthen Your Team

Written by Katrina Costa (Stull)

Concentrate 10% on lack of communication...

Concentrate 10% on un-professionalism...

Concentrate 10% on someone else's weakness...

Concentrate 10% on accusations...

Get The Idea? 

Read the entire list:

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

How to Disagree Without Being Disagreeable

7 Tips for Having More Productive Discussions

Written by Carly Stec | @CarlyStec

George S. Patton once said: "If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking."


In business, stirring the proverbial pot can be a good thing. And while negotiating these matters can be challenging -- especially when they involve our teammates or bosses -- differences in opinion will often lead to progress.


The most important thing to remember is that there is a big difference between healthy, productive disagreements and heated arguments. In order for two parties to come to a mutually beneficial agreement, there has to be a level of professionalism and respect.

While navigating this territory can feel like a slippery slope, we've defined a few tips below to help you speak your mind, without letting the situation spiral out of control.

How to Disagree (Without Being Disagreeable)

1) Be mindful of your tone.

 What Does The Writer Mean? 

Read the entire article on HubSpot:

Monday, June 19, 2017


"Everything you have experienced has lead you to this moment.  Gratitude is an important element in anyone's success.  Ask around, ask your friends about being grateful.  You might be surprised at what they tell you."

Friday, June 16, 2017


You have so much talent and ability.  Stretch yourself and have lofty goals.  Remember everything that has been created began as a thought in someone's mind.  You can create too.  Believe in yourself and don't let fear stand in your way.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Don't give up! 

It will be hard sometimes and you may want to quit.  You may not understand why but something inside of you says Keep Going.  Do it; give it your best shot each and every time.  You may not win again but you cannot lose forever.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Identity Theft - Don't Let the Dancing Pigs Fool You

Dancing pigs and identity theft -- what could the two possibly have in common? As unlikely as it sounds, these two really are related. Learn how Internet users chose dancing pigs instead of staying safe on the Internet:


Face The Challenges

By Dale Schlundt, M.A.

Life May Be A Consistent Challenge, But That Is OK...

I am sitting here in jury duty, waiting for my name to be called. I haven't decided whether it is better not to be called, ultimately just sitting here all day, or to be picked for a case and at least be doing something. I'll let you know on my decision later. Regardless, I began thinking, what a better time to write about a topic that we can all use, inspiration.

Now to finish telling you about why this subject seems so relevant right now, I am an educator and this is my first day of spring break... To top it off, my laptop will not connect to the internet. So if you are reading this article, you should know that I ended up restraining myself from performing a Steven Segal kick on my computer, despite the strong urge I am having to do so at the moment.

Regardless of how my day seems to be going at the courthouse and the tasks I still need to complete at home (grading papers), which my civic duty is preventing me from accomplishing, my life is pretty good.

The idea I am writing about for this piece is that the older I become, the more I realize that what my father told me was true. Life is a constant fight to survive. But the good news... that doesn't have to be a negative thing.

Now, when I say that phrase, "fight to survive", I do not mean I will have to shoot my way out of the building to get back to my car. So that's some more good news. Yet the challenges which every day brings, as you are probably aware of, seem to be consistent and never ending at times; we all have them. While they may be different for each individual, they are typically never the less, always there.

In recognition of your own personal challenges, let's think about them for a moment..... Ah, just what we all want to do isn't it? Think about our stinking problems... So let's begin.

Perhaps you are going through the hurdle of paying down your credit card debt, recently had an argument with your significant other, or you might simply be a constant worrier on a daily basis.

How do we handle these issues?

Let's find out. Read the rest of the article :

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Morning Thoughts

By Ella Wilcox Wheeler

Do You Think Positive Or Negative Thoughts?

What do you think about the very first thing in the morning?

Your thoughts during the first half-hour of the morning will greatly influence the entire day. You may not realize this, but it is nevertheless a fact.

If you set out with worry and depression, and bitterness of soul toward fate or man, you are giving the key note to a day of discord and misfortunes.

If you think peace, hope, and happiness, you are sounding a note of harmony and success. The result may not be felt at once, but it will not fail to make itself evident eventually.

Control your morning thoughts. You can do it.

The first moment on waking, no matter what your mood, say to yourself:

What do we need to say? Read the rest of the article :

Friday, May 19, 2017

The 6 Beauty Solutions. Independently Effective. Together Unstoppable.

Are you a woman 50 years or better? Then this is for you.

Now you can get "clinically-proven age-defying skincare" you can use to make your skin look and feel amazing.

Using just one product in this collection could bring you results... used together and you could start seeing major improvements in just 6 weeks.

True beauty starts here:

Thursday, May 18, 2017

The Relativity of Your Life

We live in the world of the relative. What and whom we surround ourselves with, how we spend our waking hours, and the type of person we become is in direct relation to all that surrounds us.

Many of our choices are conscious. They are the simple choices such as; "I prefer a black car to a green car, so I am buying the black car."

Many of our choices are unconscious. They represent those areas of our lives where we feel disenchanted, disappointed, empty, frustrated, and unfulfilled. Our heads may tell us one thing, such as: "I have to stay in this job to pay my bills" when in reality, we dread facing our workday each morning.

Other areas of unconscious choices lie in the area of unfulfilled relationships. The kind of people we share our time with. The type of romantic relationships we have.

There is only one way to tell if it is your conscious mind, or unconscious beliefs, that created these choices for you:

Read the entire article by Dr. Rose - well written and worth reading :


When you take the initiative to change, you exert control over yourself.  Be nice to yourself, love yourself and allow yourself to succeed in whatever area of life you are working on.  Why?  Because YOU deserve it!

Kick it up a notch today - be stunning!

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

This weeks "Something Extra"

Have you ever gotten close to a dream or goal, so close you could almost taste the victory?

Are you constantly checking in with yourself to ask if you are still on target to go after what you want? If not, why not?

Here's to you and an exciting day ahead!!


Live The Life Of Your Dreams TODAY!!

Written by Miami Phillips

Just imagine you have no ties, no burdens, no limits, no memories, and no past.

What would your life look like? .

If the answer that comes to your mind is different than what you are doing, why is that? Is it because of someone else's opinion? A spouse, a parent - or maybe your children?

I, for one, have to admit to a certain amount of holding back on dreams and goals because of our two boys. As my life progresses I realize there is no reason to hold back.

Read the entire article :

A Closer Look at a Few Myths About Stars

How common are myths about stars? Well, there are more than 6,000 true stars visible to the naked eye on a clear night, and it sometimes seems that each has spawned its share of myths.

Why? The reasons are complicated, and mostly boil down to the fact that we've only just begun discovering the truth about stars.

Sure, we know now that stars are basically huge fusion reactors in the sky, big balls of flaming plasma that have lives and lifespans of their own, and that in fact our sun is just an average star.

But that's the fruit of the last century of science, and before then people came up with some pretty interesting ideas about them. Here's the truth about a few:

Tuesday, May 9, 2017


Why do the extra?  Because no one else is and you can shine by doing so.  Be proactive with your life - don't wait for someone to tell you what to do if you know it has to be done.  Just do it.  Be different - do more and you will find that life opens her arms to you. 

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Good Communication Skills

Good communication skills are important in all aspects of our lives. Different situations may require a different response.

What if you are shy or quiet? What if you are loud? How do you communicate effectively? Ready to learn a few tips? Practice them wherever you go and you will get better.

Here's to you!!


Entrepreneurial Tips for Conversing with Anyone You Meet

Written by The Group at eClincher

As an entrepreneur, you’re going to have to be a social creature. It’s possible for introverts to be entrepreneurs, but you’re better off being more of a social butterfly when you’re in a line of work that literally means making connections, networking and working with others. This means meeting with lots of strangers, building relationships and talking to lots and lots of people you probably don’t even want to – but that’s the name of the game.

In general, personal relationships are essentially the bread and butter of the business world, entrepreneur or not. Because of this fact, if you aren’t good at striking up a conversation, you’re behind in the game. Don’t worry. It’s actually not hard to be more fluent in speaking with others, but if you’re not the best at it we’ve got a few tips to consider next time you go to a big meeting or networking event.

In fact, try using these tips in your everyday life – at the grocery store, with friends. You’ll find that using these tips, you’ll be better at conversing with anyone and everyone.

Tip 1. - Be more open with others.

Read the entire article on

Monday, May 1, 2017

How to Avoid ATM Fees

Automatic teller machines can be incredibly convenient devices, especially when you're stuck without much-needed cash -- but paying up to $5 in ATM fees to access your own money can be a real pain in the rear. It behooves you, then, to find ways to avoid sticking yourself with such fees.

We took a look at this situation several years back in our article about avoiding ATM fees, but it's worth checking out again, especially since ATM bank fees are much higher than they used to be. A few new workarounds have presented themselves in the interim, too.

So if you're tired of being stuck with ATM fees when you need cash, check out these ways to avoid them: