An Assortment of Ways to make a Better World
Thoughts and ideas of Yeremiah and his views of the world. These are only views and opinions, they shouldn't be looked at as factual in any way.


Welcome and Thank-You for viewing my blog. These are a portrayal of my ideas and thoughts as well as my dreams. I hope you enjoy what you read and leave comments fso I can improve upon my writings. Thanks again for taking the time to read my thought.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

An Angels Attitude

Brian G. Jett

Every morning it is the same routine. She wakes up, gives a big yawn, and heads downstairs in the same old uniform. Not a glamorous job at all. Others might think that being a ballerina instructor to be the perfect job or career. Dance, stretch and teach others to dance and stretch their imaginations.

Remarkable lady, this gal is, however, she does the same old thing but to her it always appears to be somehow new - each and every single day.

Don't get me wrong as she has her moments like I suppose we all do. She gets frustrated over the little stuff. Seems the biggest difference between this young woman and others that I have observed is the way she takes life in stride. In a nutshell, she just doesn't let anything or anyone break her stride.

Like a beautiful mare dancing in the wide open spaces in a dazzling display right after an equaling dazzling dawn, nothing that might present itself as an obstacle can break her stride. At least this is how it appears right now in her dancing career.
Can I ask you a question? Don't mean to be nosey or anything, but what uniform do you put on everyday? Whether a ballerina outfit or waitress uniform, I suppose any position can lose its once highly esteemed luster after a bit.

This little ballerina, unlike so many others with differing uniforms, can't stand having to go to bed but can't wait to get out of it in the morning. She works from home, so she is afforded the opportunity each Tuesday morning to gaze out of her front storm door at the men who pick up her hurby-curby.
Kind of a drab, off green colored uniform these guys wear, but she enjoys this special time at the door as a highlight of her daily existence. She likes to make their jobs less repetitive as she musters up a big smile and gives them all a huge grin - all the while waving like it might be her last chance to do so.

Don't get me wrong because as we all know way too well, no one is perfect and she'll be the first to admit it. She says, "I'm sorry" with more sincerity than most I've met six times her age.

Sometimes I can't help but think that as soon as this or that change occurs in my life, all will be just a tad bit better. I think that she has learned a powerful lesson and it has to do with perception. The way she has chosen to perceive things, is the way she receives things.
She just hasn't allowed herself to see too many rainy days and Mondays, and the ones she has, clearly haven't ever ruined her morning, afternoon, or evening routine. Those 25 years her elder might be creating some chaos around her, but again, it doesn't seem to break her stride. She just keeps on dancing nonetheless.
In talking to her recently, she spoke of her plans for the future but even as she did she kept some semblance of her dancing going. If reminded of a mistake she made yesterday, she'll just give me a demure little smile as though I'm purposefully trying to be a kill-joy.
Hmmmmmm. I hadn't given that much thought until now, but why do I or any of us rehash another's past?

Good question and this wise little gal seems to know most of the answers. I guess longevity doesn't always equate to legitimacy.
I hope that she'll keep her job as a ballerina for many years to come so that I can keep learning simple life lessons from her. But I doubt that she will, if I look at the big picture or project way into the future like I too often tend to do.
Nothing I could say or anything any of her other best friends could say could break her stride. She is destined for great things. Even if she some day changes from her ballerina outfit to a waitresses uniform, I kind of think she'll keep her bright attitude, fresh perspective, and unsophisticated purity.

Well, that's all I have to write about for now. I'd best get home before my wife helps her take off her ballerina uniform and get ready for bed. If I'm so blessed, I'll get to watch her dance and sing for me right before she says, "I love you daddy" as I walk out the door for work in the morning.

I wish I could take such moments and put them in a jar. I wish I could stop the world from turning and keep things just the way they are. I know that I can't, but I can always wish I could.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Life is...

Life is a vast yielding of open- ended questions? The more you get answered a ton more come to light. #piccadillyinc Yeremiah Hardt

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

The Art Of Being Well

If you don't want to be ill...

...Speak Your Feelings.
Emotions and feelings that are hidden, repressed, end in illnesses as: gastritis, ulcer, lumbar pains, spinal. With time, the repression of the feelings degenerates to the cancer. Then, we go to a confidante, to share our intimacy, ours "secret", our errors! The dialogue, the speech, the word, is a powerful remedy and an excellent therapy!
If you don't want to be ill...

...Make Decisions.
The undecided person remains in doubt, in anxiety, in anguish. Indecision accumulates problems, worries and aggressions. Human history is made of decisions. To decide is precisely to know to renounce, to know to lose advantages and values to win others. The undecided people are victims of gastric ailments, nervous pains and problems of the skin.
If you don't want to be ill...

...Find Solutions.
Negative people do not find solutions and they enlarge problems. They prefer lamentation, gossip, pessimism. It is better to light a match that to regret the darkness. A bee is small, but produces one of the sweetest things that exist. We are what we think. The negative thought generates negative energy that is transformed into illness.
If you don't want to be ill...

...Don't Live By Appearances.
Who hides reality, pretends , poses and always wants to give the impression of being well. He wants to be seen as perfect, easy-going, etc. but is accumulating tons of weight. A bronze statue with feet of clay. There is nothing worse for the health than to live on appearances and facades. These are people with a lot of varnish and little root. Their destiny is the pharmacy, the hospital and pain.
If you don't want to be ill...

The refusal of acceptance and the absence of self-esteem, make us alienate ourselves. Being at one with ourselves is the core of a healthy life. They who do not accept this, become envious, jealous, imitators, ultra-competitive, destructive. Be accepted, accept that you are accepted, accept the criticisms. It is wisdom, good sense and therapy.
If you don't want to be ill...

Who does not trust, does not communicate, is not opened, is not related, does not create deep and stable relations, does not know to do true friendships. Without confidence, there is not relationship. Distrust is a lack of faith in you and in faith itself.
If you don't want to be ill...

...Do Not Live Life Sad.
Good humor. Laughter. Rest. Happiness. These replenish health and bring long life. The happy person has the gift to improve the environment wherever they live. "Good humor saves us from the hands of the doctor". Happiness is health and therapy.
Dr. Dráuzio Varella

Saturday, October 3, 2020



Do outward appearances tell the whole story about someone? I don’t think so; in fact, I know they don’t. I know that people have a real depth to them that may be revealed either willingly or in times of crisis or stress and even then, it may not be the whole picture. Sometimes, we as people, get things wrong about others.
Has anyone ever unfairly labeled you? If they have, I would bet that you try not to do it to others. Why? Because it’s hurtful.
May I suggest that today you open your mind and heart a bit further and think the best of others, knowing that they have had a life you know nothing about, even when you know them well. Remember, labels are for cans, not for people.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Take Charge


Be in charge of your life.  Don't worry about what other people are doing because they have their own life to live. 
Please remember: The pandemic is affecting everyone, so please be kind to others, stay safe, stay informed, and stay strong! We are all in this together.

Thursday, September 17, 2020



Everyone needs a mentor at some point in their life. Maybe you’ve had one in the business world or in your personal life. Most times you will develop a bond with them as they share their experiences and bring positive influences into your life.

Now may be the time to reach out to someone who could use a little help; someone you could mentor.

What a great way to give a gift to them and yourself!

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Principles Of Life

question mark lit up and hanging on its side.

  • Winning isn't everything but wanting to win is.

  • You would achieve more, if you don't mind who gets the credit.

  • When everything else is lost, the future still remains.

  • Don't fight too much or the enemy will know your art of war.

  • The only job you start at the top is when you dig a grave.

  • If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for everything.

  • If you do little things well, you'll do big ones better.

  • Only thing that comes to you without effort is old age.

  • You won't get a second chance to make a first impression.

  • Only those who do nothing do not make mistakes.

  • Never take a problem to your boss unless you have a solution.

  • If you are not failing, you're not taking enough risks.

  • Don't try to get rid of your bad temper by losing it.

  • If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.

  • Those who don't make mistakes usually don't make anything.

  • There are two kinds of failures: Those who think and never do, and those who do and never think.

  • Pick battles big enough to matter, small enough to win.

  • All progress has resulted from unpopular decisions.

  • Change your thoughts and you change your world.

  • Understanding proves intelligence, not the speed of the learning.

  • There are two kinds of fools in this world.: Those who give advice and those who don't take it.

  • The best way to kill an idea is to take it to a meeting.

  • Management is doing things right. Leadership is doing the right things.

  • Friendship founded on business is always better than business founded on friendship.

Compiled by Tony Peeris --- India

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Focus on the Good


Can you stay focused on the good? I know that sometimes you can't quite see it in these circumstances we find ourselves in, yet something good will come out of this. 


Know that I have you on my mind and ask the powers that be to bless you more than you could possibly believe and keep you safe and strong!



They say it's all in how you look at things - glass half empty or half full. Do you criticize or encourage? Are you stuck in yesterday or are you looking forward to today? How long have you ready to go for your dreams? If you look for what could go right and you're halfway there.
Don't stand in your own way, any more.
It's going to be a great day, let's go!

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Inner Voice


Your own inner voice knows the way that’s right for you. Are you listening to it or something else?
Be strong, be wise, be that positive person no matter what.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020



Yes, chances come and go, that’s true. What about those you aren’t aware of because you didn’t even try?

This week, I hope you make a commitment to be open to possibilities. Most things will not be handed to you in life; you have to work for them. Don’t be afraid to fail when trying something new. That’s part of the process you have to go through. You’re trying; you’re putting yourself in a position to find new opportunities that may not seem obvious.

Keep going – don’t give up. You’ve got this, if you keep doing the work.

Here’s to you today! Shine bright and be involved in the direction of your life.

Keeping Cool


Arguing and fighting will land a hockey player in the penalty box giving the opposing team an advantage. These players know the consequences of letting their emotions get the better of them. How about you?  Can you see how keeping your cool is a powerful tool in your toolbox?

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

How to deal with disappointment

A husband got into big trouble after his wedding anniversary. His wife told him the day before, "Tomorrow there better be something in the driveway for me that goes from zero to 200 in 2 seconds."

The next morning the wife went outside and found a small box in the driveway. She opened it and found a bathroom scale.

All throughout life we all deal with some type of disappointment, whether it is disappointment from our job, family or friends. Disappointment is inevitable. It is not a matter of "if" it comes, it is "when" it comes.

Several days before my 15th birthday, my dad informs me that they have bought me a car. You can imagine the excitement I felt. He went on to say that it was being delivered on the morning of my birthday. I walked around to cloud nine and remember thinking, "Oh man, only rich people get their cars delivered to them; this must be quite the car!"

That morning, I stood in my parents' driveway waiting for my car to arrive. My heart is pounding against my chest, in my mind I picture a red convertible sports car and can feel the wind blowing through my hair as I take that baby from 4th to 5th gear. I can hear the duel exhaust screaming as I put the accelerator to the floor. I got excited!!

Several minutes later, I notice a tow truck coming down the street and to my amazement the driver pulled into my parent's drive way. It wasn't my beautiful red sports car, it wasn't car at all. I figured the tow truck driver had made a wrong turn and needed directions.

I walked up to the truck and in my most polite tone asked if I could help him. He said is he was looking for-and gave my address. I can only assume that all the blood must've drained from my face, because the driver asked if I was okay.

I couldn't believe it! It wasn't a red sports car like I had pictured in my mind. Instead, on the back of this tow truck sat a hideous, multi-colored, 1972 Ford Courier pick up truck. "You've got to be kidding me, is this some kind of cruel joke?"

When I say multi-colored, this truck had approximately 20 different colors on it. This truck had no idea what color it wanted to be. It was used for the paint shop of the auto repair facility where my dad worked and there are no words to describe the ugliness of this truck.

My dad walked out of the house and gave directions where the monster was to be released. Evidently my dad saw the disappointment in my face and told me that we had one year to work on the truck and get it in tip-top shape. I was disgusted!

Through out the next year I would work on my truck every afternoon and every weekend. It took forever to remove all the paint. One year later, after many hours of labor, we hadn't gotten to the painting stage but at least all the dents were straightened and running. The truck was a beautiful brown primer color. The only way to get a shine on this truck was spray the primer with water and admire it before the water dried.

The moment had finally arrived. With great pride I slid the key in the ignition and to no avail, if didn't start! Pounding the steering wheel in anger, I remember thinking, "This is NOT happening!"

Finally, my dad and I managed to get it running again and off I went for my first adventure in my "new" truck. After a quick stop to pick up a good friend, we were out on the town in the brown beast. I drove around for several hours and we started for home. The truck ran for a grand total of 5 hours and left me sitting on the side of the highway. I remember thinking and feeling this has to be the worse birthday in history.

I have learned through experience that there is something to learn from all our disappointment. It is through disappointment that we are strengthened. It is up to us to find the good in every bad situation. Instead of asking "why me?" start asking "what can I learn from this?" In every disappointment there is a lesson to be learned. However, it is up to you to look for the lesson.

You may be wondering what that hideous truck taught me.

I'm not sure what it taught me. One thing I do know for sure is that truck brought closeness between me and my dad that never before existed. It gave me an opportunity to actually learn who my dad was a person. We spent many hours together working on the truck and it gave him the opportunity to do what he loved to do, work on a vehicle and teach his son some valuable lessons about life. I didn't realize all this at the time, but as I sit here and write this, it has opened my eyes to the realization that my dad wasn't that bad after all.

No matter how much disappointment comes into your life, look through it and find the positive lessons within. You are a strong willed individual and you have the ability to overcome any and all obstacles that come into your path of life. You can overcome any form of disappointment and can become a stronger, smarter and a more confident person. I have faith in you and your ability to overcome.

Copyright © 2008 Bobby Cary II
Bobby Cary is an inspirational/motivational speaker, writer and life coach. Throughout his life, Bobby has faced many set backs. Growing up with a severe speech impediment along with a learning disability and a behavior disorder, he has a tremendous amount of experience in Overcoming Adversity.

Sunday, August 9, 2020


Does it seem like a lot more people are trying to escape reality during this pandemic and lock down? It's hard to grasp at times the enormity of the situation worldwide.

Monday, July 27, 2020




Here you are, in the middle of a pandemic, wondering what's going to happen. I wish I could predict the future but I can't. I do know this - you're probably going through your own storm right now.

What will you do? How will you get through this? Will life ever be the same?

I have hope and faith that we will get through this together by helping one another. Do what you can to help your local businesses. Reach out to your neighbors and friends. Don't mentally isolate yourself from others. Be creative. Be grateful. Use this time to grow in ways that will help your life, not hurt your life.

Please remember:the pandemic is affecting everyone, so please be kind. Stay safe, stay informed, and stay strong! You will make it and you will thrive!

Friday, July 3, 2020

Life is Magnificently Beautiful

All life matters. It is beautiful to be alive. Moments come and go, so we have to cherish them while they are present. We need to be thoughtful, caring, but most of all loving to one another. If we love eachother no matter what our past, our future will shine as brightly as a star.


Monday, June 22, 2020

Fabric of Our Life

This fabric of our lives gets stronger as we age. The more people we meet, the more places we go, the more ideas we have; the stronger we have become. For a newborn they have to have a strong foundation either from family's, friends, or society. Society is a friend that always accepts you no matter what you have done. It just wants you to be happy and have fun living your life for it knows when we are happy, you shall make others as happy as you are if not more.

With every friend you make you weave yourself a stronger fabric of life. This fabric shall never end. It just keeps going and going. Now with every generation it may take on a slightly different attribute than it had prior. However it shall always be, no matter what.


Sunday, June 21, 2020

Doing Right

Whether you are a manager of business, your family, or your own life, acknowledge the right thing. People will respond positively and feel that they are making a contribution.
If you criticize rather than engage, you probably won't get the outcome you anticipated. Why? People are creatures of emotions.

Think of how you feel when someone criticizes you or your work - not too good. So catch people doing something right and see what happens.

Saturday, June 13, 2020



Many parts of the world have or are starting to reopen though the pandemic Covid-19 virus is still active. Numbers have dropped in many areas and some are spiking again. It is an unsettling time that we are in, yet we have to move forward with hope and confidence that it will all work out. I want to thank you for your motivation, inspiration, and concern for all who are fighting this battle.

Today - more positive news! I invite you to read stories from the sports world and how so many are helping out during this time of extreme need.

Good News From Yahoo Sports



Have you ever tried to make a change in your life and it didn't quite work? Why was that?  Possibly, Tony Robbins' success leaves clues.

Change is hard to do, yet many people have done it so you can too.

There's nothing magical or mysterious here - identify what you want to demand of yourself, make the commitment and do the work. 

You were meant to have a life that you are proud of.  Keep going, you're going to succeed!

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Choose Joy

Marlene Remember this: This is your life and you get to choose how you feel about it. Choose joy and your life goes one way. Choose bitterness and it goes another way. Life is short, decide then move forward. Yeremiah Hardt

Thursday, May 14, 2020



Today lets thank those who are volunteering right now during this crisis. You know who they are - they are your friends, neighbors, relatives, people in your community who are working tirelessly to help others. Sometimes we forget about the importance of their missions.
Thank you to those who provide comfort to those going through hospice, those who are delivering food to seniors and those with compromised immunity systems; to the foster parents of cats and dogs, those who make masks or start a food cupboard for their neighborhood. The list goes on and on.
Know that the volunteers are in our hearts and thoughts and we are grateful for all they do.  Here's to those who serve!

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Time - One Of The Most Important Things In Life

(A young man learns what's most important in life from the guy next door.)
It had been some time since Jack had seen the old man; college, girls, career, and life itself got in the way.
In fact, Jack moved clear across the country in pursuit of his dreams. There, in the rush of his busy life, Jack had little time to think about the past and often no time to spend with his wife and son. He was working on his future, and nothing could stop him.
Over the phone, his mother told him, "Mr. Belser died last night. The funeral is Wednesday." Memories flashed through his mind like an old newsreel as he sat quietly remembering his childhood days.
"Jack, did you hear me?"
"Oh, sorry, Mom. Yes, I heard you. It's been so long since I thought of him. I'm sorry, but I honestly thought he died years ago," Jack said.
"Well, he didn't forget you. Every time I saw him he'd ask how you were doing. He'd reminisce about the many days you spent over 'his side of the fence' as he put it," Mom told him.
So what will Jack do? Let's find out!
Right now we have been given a gift of time.  I know you are using it wisely.  Have a great day and stay safe.  Remember we are all in this together!

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Good News


I enjoy bringing Good News for you to read, especially in today's times, and actively search it out.  Today we look at Spotlighting Phoenix’s positivity during the pandemic.

We're talking about the positive stories that are taking place during this pandemic. The acts of kindness that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Because, believe it or not, it's not all doom and gloom. Good news stories are out there. And they're plentiful. 

 The link is to a podcast and there is also a transcript, if you prefer. Here it is: Spotlighting Phoenix

Monday, May 11, 2020

Thank you Mom


A Big Thank You to all the Moms, no matter where they are, for the gifts they have given to us. Without Mothers, none of us would be here. I know I sure miss mine right now and if yours is gone, maybe you're missing her too. 

 For all the Moms who are working each day to keep their families together and safe, thank you!! Have a Happy Mother's Day! 

Before we leave today, here's a positive article that pays tribute to good deeds and kindness. Did their moms teach them these virtues? You never know :-)  Good Deeds and Acts of Kindness The Tulsa Way

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Into The Unknown

You don't know what to expect when you wake up. Every moment is a new adventure. Every moment can be different than the last.

An adventure is awaiting us all in the future, however which future is the adventure in. You have many futures you can live out. Every choice you make, you can make authentic choices for the future. If you are happy within the moment, you have a precious gift.

Happiness leads to optimism and good fortune. There may be sadness out there, but all you have to do is understand. 


Wednesday, May 6, 2020


Nothing in the world is permanent. Not even this message. The only permanence is our hope's for a brighter future. Then again, we are so divided who knows what will happen to us. This planet has been here long before us and will outlive us all. Sad to say but all the squabbles you do diminishes your life span exponentially. So be happy in the time you have allotted to you and make others feel worthwhile as well. For without your human family you would not be here as well as never feel loved and wanted as you do right now. Time is the only permanence, until we learn to harness time, dare I say manipulate it, we shall fall victim to it. I don't like being the victim, do you? I don't think we have to exploit time, just find a beneficial way to coexist with it. We need time as much as it needs us. #piccadillyinc Yeremiah Hardt

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Nucleus of Life

You can be a part of many circles in your life, but what really makes you happy as a person? What can you offer that no one else has done before, what is your real gift you bring to this human family or in fact this cosmic family that we are just adapting to as I write this. There are so many aspects to emerge in this cosmic realm. Are we important at all? Does anything we do really matter. Of course it does. If you make someone or some other thing happy in your life, you have made a vast improvement on the likes of which you cannot even grasp. Will you be able to see the change you are making in all this chaotic minutia known as life, maybe, but that is not the point, the point is to make each and every moment you have last as long as it can, because there is one thing you can't buy and that is time. #piccadillyinc Yeremiah Hardt

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Spreading the Love! 25 Heartwarming Acts of Kindness Sparked by the COVID-19 Crisis

Marlene The coronavirus crisis has changed our world and the way we live in unprecedented ways. Thousands of lives have been lost. Millions are unemployed. So much has been placed on pause. And in the midst of it all we are isolated, unable to connect in person with our loved ones. Yet there is one powerful, simple way that we can be united and uplifted in deeply meaningful ways: through kindness. Countless acts of kindness — small and grand — are coming from every corner of the country. Yeremiah Hardt

Tuesday, April 28, 2020



What Is Mindfulness? According to the Oxford Dictionary, mindfulness is a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.

Okay, after reading quite a few articles about mindfulness, I came upon two resources that I liked (and there are many more). The purpose of being mindful is to manage stress - which most people are experiencing right now.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Healing Words


I have told my children this every day since they were born. I told them if they learned one new thing every day and were nice to just one person every day, that at the end of the year they would have learned 365 new things and blessed 365 fellow humans. Now they are older and have become very considerate and kind human beings and told me that this has become their creed. 

Is this something you do in your life? 

Please remember that there is beauty, kindness, care and love alive around the world. Feel the goodness and positive energy, share that feeling with others today.

Stay safe, stay strong, stay home and thank you for doing your part. It's not that hard when you do it from your heart.

Monday, April 13, 2020


You are free to entertain yourself a long as you do not harm others. You can read, write, create, converse with others for enjoyment. Your enjoyment is essential to your well-being as well  as the well-being of many different communities you belong to. Be daring. Be adventurous. Be creative. Live your life in the now. Do what you are willing to do, and let it be fulfilling enough for yourself.


Is happiness a possibility? What are you striving for in life? What makes you happy one moment may not make you happy the following moment?

Being content and being fulfilled are similar to being happy, but can also be totally different. We all have aspirations, goals, and dreams and those are what makes us unique individual people who encompass this great world. But why do we restrict ourselves by saying "Oh, that's wrong," or "You can't do that." How about be uplifting as well as positive. For example, you could hold a door open for someone or make a card for a friend or just visit some people you haven't seen in a while and talk about stuff you did and stuff you remember. Remembering the past grounds you and makes you a stronger person. Your scars may hurt when you get them, but when you learn their lesson that they have been sent to you to teach, you are free to live, grow, and be happy.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020


We all have this power. Look at all our adventures in the past and how we managed to forgive rather than hold a real grievance. Only you have the power to protect yours and what you see as family and yes even our Earthly as well as cosmic family.

Until we can come to terms with that inner anger we can not reach the magnitudes of grandeur that has been placed at our feet.

It's important to learn from the past, but once it's dealt with, let it go, don't let it consume you. Only you have the power to choose your path, others may influence it, but in the end it your choice to go down that road and embark on that adventure known as life.


Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Powerful Words

( During very difficulty times, we tend to forget that life has its ups and downs, causing us to lose ourselves in the process. It is completely okay to feel upset, but during those times we have to remember to search for the voice inside that tells us that we can and will survive through anything. - Take care, Jesse Marie ) 

I love when contributors like Jesse Marie add a bit of an enrichment to why they either came up with the quote or picked a certain one to send in.

Words can be so powerful, so be sure you are filling your minds with positive messages right now. If you find you're getting a stressed out, take a deep breath and try to relax. No one needs to watch the news all the time. Exercise; move around in your place. Be nice to yourself.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Think Kind Thoughts

Taking time to think kind thoughts about yourself and loved ones has psychological and physical benefits, new research suggests.

A study by the Universities of Exeter and Oxford has found that taking part in self-compassion exercises calms the heart rate, switching off the body's threat response. Previous studies have shown that this threat response damages the immune system. Researchers believe the ability to switch off this response may lower the risk of disease.

In the study, published in the journal Clinical Psychological Science, 135 healthy University of Exeter students were divided into five groups, and members of each group heard a different set of audio instructions. The team took physical measurements of heart rate and sweat response, and asked participants to report how they were feeling. Questions included how safe they felt, how likely they were to be kind to themselves and how connected they felt to others.
The two groups whose instructions encouraged them to be kind to themselves not only reported feeling more self-compassion and connection with others, but also showed a bodily response consistent with feelings of relaxation and safety. Their heart rates dropped and the variation in length of time between heartbeats -- a healthy sign of a heart that can respond flexibly to situations. They also showed lower sweat response.
Meanwhile, instructions that induced a critical inner voice led to an increased heart rate and a higher sweat response -- consistent with feelings of threat and distress.
First author Dr Hans Kirschner, who conducted the research at Exeter, said: "These findings suggest that being kind to oneself switches off the threat response and puts the body in a state of safety and relaxation that is important for regeneration and healing."
Lead researcher Dr Anke Karl, of the University of Exeter, said: "Previous research has found that self-compassion was related to higher levels of wellbeing and better mental health, but we didn't know why.

"Our study is helping us understand the mechanism of how being kind to yourself when things go wrong could be beneficial in psychological treatments. By switching off our threat response, we boost our immune systems and give ourselves the best chance of healing. We hope future research can use our method to investigate this in people with mental health problems such as recurrent depression."
The recordings that encouraged self-compassion were a "compassionate body scan" in which people were guided to attend to bodily sensations with an attitude of interest and calmness; and a "self-focused loving kindness exercise" in which they directed kindness and soothing thoughts to a loved one and themselves.
The three other groups listened to recordings designed to induce a critical inner voice, put them into a "positive but competitive and self-enhancing mode," or an emotionally neutral shopping scenario.
All the audio recordings were 11 minutes long.
While people in both the self-compassion and positive but competitive groups reported greater self-compassion and decreased self-criticism, only the self-compassion groups showed the positive bodily response.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

The Window

A young couple moves into a new neighborhood. The next morning, while they are eating breakfast, the young wife sees her neighbor hang the wash outside.
"That laundry is not very clean," she said to her husband. "The neighbor doesn't know how to wash correctly. Perhaps she needs better laundry soap."
Her husband looked on, but remained silent.
Every time her neighbor hung her wash to dry, the young woman would make the same comments.
About one month later, the young woman was surprised to see a nice clean wash on her neighbor's line and said to her husband, "Look! She has learned how to wash correctly. I wonder who taught her this?"
The husband said, "I got up early this morning and cleaned our windows!"
Can you see how it might be a good idea to check first, to see if your windows are clean?
What we see when watching others depends on the purity of the windows through which we look.
Before we give any criticism, it might be a good idea to check our state of mind and ask ourselves if we are ready to see the good rather than just look for something wrong in the people we encounter. 

Kartik Bodawala --- India

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Baggage at an Airport


You arrive at the airport - try and check your baggage but are told it's too heavy. What could you leave behind?  Take a look at the picture.  What are you carrying around?  Why are you holding on to it?
We sometimes forget about the burdens we carry around from our past. Intellectually we know the past is over, we cannot change one thing yet we insist on bringing the weight with us as we travel through our lives.
Like cleaning out our closets, may I suggest that you look at cleaning out your life too? Let go of what you cannot change, it's not serving you well. Focus your eyes and life forward. Make today your best day and continue with that attitude each day you're given.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Bonds are bonding


Bonds that happen between animals and people are sometimes as, if not more, powerful than between two people. Non-judgment and unconditional love can help heal a life and allow a person to go back into the world and enjoy the new confidence and respect they have found.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Surviving Lifes Obstacles

Dr. Wendy S. Harpham is a 27 year cancer survivor dedicating her life work to helping patients get good care and live their life as Healthy Survivors.
I believe everyone's life has been touched by someone they know who has or had cancer. My own cousin's wife fought the battle with ovarian cancer for 26 years and was one of the most loving, kind and warrior like people I have ever known.
This quote for today is to acknowledge and honor all who have struggled with this fight. We care about you, we admire your tenacity and perseverance, your faith and hope and so much more.
If you know someone who is in this battle, reach out to them today. Open your heart and let them know you care and are there for them.
Make a difference in someone's life - it's easy.  All you have to do is show up.

Monday, February 10, 2020




Several people are forced to be satisfied with their current situation, not understanding that they have the power to make a change for the better. You never know what you can do until you try, so go ahead and give it a shot!

Perception Faults


Perception is your view of reality, yet sometimes your perception is not exactly 100% right. Could there also be hidden facts you know nothing about at the time? When you are too quick to label, you could miss the meaning of the experience now and later.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Who Controls You and Your Emotions?

What Feelings Are Inside Of You?
I was speaking with a good friend today about how her husband really brings out the worst in her. My thought after I hung up the phone was: if it wasn't inside, it couldn't come out. It was as if she was blaming her husband for her anger. No one can make something come out that is not already inside.
Before going to bed I asked myself, "What can I do to explain this to my friend?" I let it go and went to sleep. Low and behold at 3:45 a.m. a quote came to me I heard years ago by Dr. Wayne Dyer. I quickly scurried out of bed to look up exactly what he said to share it with her today. This is what I found.
"When you squeeze an orange, orange juice comes out - because that's what's inside. When you are squeezed, what comes out is what is inside."
This was also part of it:
"Did you ever hear a kid curse in front of their parents and then respond, "I slipped up?" They didn't slip up; they slipped out what was in. Those words had to be in you, to come out of you.
The results that you're getting in your life aren't an accident; those results are based on what's inside of you. You have to change the inside, if you want change, and you change the inside by changing what you spend your time thinking about. When you spend your time focusing on good things, then good things will come out of you.
We all know my belief is: whatever you focus on - positive or negative - is what you will get, so focus on the positive. That is what the last line reminded me of. I feel this was such a wonderful life lesson learned and I want to share it hoping it will shed light on her situation and make her think about it. Maybe it will make you think, too, as you are reading this. Just the thought put me back on the right track.
I remember an ex of mine would get really mad over a certain situation and say, "I'm not usually like this". He would carry on and go off about a certain subject and say, "I don't get like this" etc. From all I learned in life, if you are like that at the moment, you can't say you are not; it's what is inside of you coming out.
Dr. Wayne Dyer also said - An orange is an orange, whether you paint it yellow or call it a lemon; if you squeeze it you will still get orange juice. A person can think they have changed an emotion or gotten over something but if something affects them and makes them that angry, it's still inside of them.
Like with an orange; if you squeeze it, you put all your weight on it, and it bursts - you are going to get juice inevitably. With people, if anger is inside and someone says or does things that create pressure for them or makes them feel like they are going to 'explode' and they have that 'explosion' waiting to erupt inside of them - they will 'explode'. If the anger is inside, it will happen again until they clear it up.
It's when we are going through those types of moments we realize what is inside us. How wonderful is that? My friend calls that an AFGO. Acronym for Another F$%king Growth Opportunity. I love that. Please excuse my French!
Really give thought to how you react to situations. Do you get mad, angry, upset? Do you say "he got me angry" or "she makes me so angry, I just explode"?
I've written many times about how I do my best not to let things bother me (as much as humanly possible of course) such as someone driving too slow or driving two inches from my bumper or even cutting me off in traffic. I learned a long time ago, when listening to one of my personal development CD's - it's not worth it. If I get angry and allow this person to affect my day and they are oblivious going along about their day - who is this hurting? Not letting these types of situations cause anxiety is really what helps me to keep things in perspective and not get upset.
Ask yourself a few questions.

Is that person who comes out when you explode the real you?

What else sets you off? Your parents? Your kids? Your animals? Your boss? Your job? Really think about this.

If so, what is it in you making that happen?

Do you see something in this other person you see in yourself?

They say we are all mirrors for each other. Sometimes someone in our present brings back something we didn't like about ourselves in the past. If you are getting angry at them for that, maybe you haven't fully forgiven yourself yet. It's amazing how once we forgive ourselves we don't get as angry with others. Just saying.
I learned a long time ago to take 100% responsibility for all my emotions, feelings, and actions. So isn't it my responsibility to take ownership of my emotions and not try to justify them by blaming someone else for causing them?
Yes. If I admit that to myself then I can begin on a more positive journey. I can change my negative patterns and behaviors to more positive ones. Once you own it, you have power and control over it. This is something that can be changed so sometimes there just needs to be courage to change the things you can in order to get that piece of mind. I know I want to become the champion not the loser.
When this thought came to my mind this morning, I got up immediately to look up something from Dr. Wayne Dyer and this is what I found that I felt would help. I do my best to practice this most of my life now. I'm human and I don't do it always but I do my very best to live, as said so wonderfully below, by one of my favorite mentors.
Love Your Enemy?
8/3/11 at 10:30 am by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
The poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote, "If we could read the secret history of our enemies we would find in each man's sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility."
Harboring anger and hatred toward anyone guarantees that you remain in low energy fields where problems will continue to crop up repeatedly in your life. Try examining every relationship in which you feel judgmental thoughts of anger and hatred. Replace those thoughts with energies of acceptance, kindness, cheerfulness, and love. You will have to make a personal commitment to, first of all, notice what you are feeling and then exercise your ability to choose to send love.
When your heart becomes pure, your enemy becomes your friend, or even more significantly, your teacher. Your worst enemies are your greatest teachers because they allow you to examine the emotions of anger and revenge and then to transcend them. They give you the exact tools you need to elevate yourself to the spiritual energies that eliminate problems and provide solutions.
When you send love in response to hate you accomplish one of the most difficult things for anyone. As I look into my conscience I can now honestly say, I have no one who I can call an enemy. Over the course of my life I have been disappointed many times. Some have borrowed and never repaid. Some have forgotten their promises. Some have left me for others. Some have cursed me and spread rumors about me. Some have stolen from me. I send love to them all, mindful of the Buddha's words:
"We live happily indeed, not hating those who hate us. Among men who hate us we dwell free from hatred."
It has been this transformation in my own thinking, perhaps more than anything else, that has allowed me to move out of those low energy problem regions of my life. It is a powerful strategy for raising your spiritual awareness.
Isn't that great? I truly do my best to live by this thought process and had to remind myself that as my friend was was telling me her story because I started feeling something come up in me and instead I am now sending her husband love and light as I do with most situations.
This practice had truly made my life so enriched; problems and situations that would normally make someone nuts aren't as bad for me most of the time. It makes transitions smoother and life a lot more calm and peaceful.
As a matter of fact, when I'm going through situations with others who are going off on a tangent, I usually just stay calm and it drives them nuts. It's who I've become. I grew up in the Bronx so I experienced anger. I experienced rage. I experienced anger in my own home so I know what it's like. I choose to send love and peace as Pollyanna as that sounds.
"What we think determines what happens to us, so if we want to change our lives, we need to stretch our minds."
--- Wayne Dyer
Thanks for reading. I hope you got something out of this.
Copyright © 2012 Marion Licchiello

Marion Licchiello is a Writer, Self Empowerment Coach and an Intuitive Coach. She blogs for the Poughkeepsie Journal about getting motivated, staying positive, and getting fit.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Forward looking


As long as you're going forward, looking ahead rather than behind, you can make it. Don't give up; there's so much more you can learn.