An Assortment of Ways to make a Better World
Thoughts and ideas of Yeremiah and his views of the world. These are only views and opinions, they shouldn't be looked at as factual in any way.


Welcome and Thank-You for viewing my blog. These are a portrayal of my ideas and thoughts as well as my dreams. I hope you enjoy what you read and leave comments fso I can improve upon my writings. Thanks again for taking the time to read my thought.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Baggage at an Airport


You arrive at the airport - try and check your baggage but are told it's too heavy. What could you leave behind?  Take a look at the picture.  What are you carrying around?  Why are you holding on to it?
We sometimes forget about the burdens we carry around from our past. Intellectually we know the past is over, we cannot change one thing yet we insist on bringing the weight with us as we travel through our lives.
Like cleaning out our closets, may I suggest that you look at cleaning out your life too? Let go of what you cannot change, it's not serving you well. Focus your eyes and life forward. Make today your best day and continue with that attitude each day you're given.

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