An Assortment of Ways to make a Better World
Thoughts and ideas of Yeremiah and his views of the world. These are only views and opinions, they shouldn't be looked at as factual in any way.


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Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Endings Are Just Beginnings

How to move beyond breakups, layoffs, and unspoken words.
By Patricia Spadaro

"The beginning and the end reach out their hands to each other."
--- Chinese Proverb

How often do you think about a past event with sadness, regret, or anger?

Whether it's a bitter breakup, a surprise layoff, or words we regret having said (or not said), constantly wishing we could magically change what has already happened only keeps us stuck and brings us a lot of pain to boot.

While you probably know it's unhealthy to hold on to the past, you may not realize why.

Here's one reason that should be at the top of the list: When you choose to live in the past, you're operating with less than 100 percent of your energy in the present.

Holding on to anything for a long time takes energy and attention. Constantly bending your mind backwards in time is no different.

Whether you're consciously aware of it or not, refusing to let go and move on divides your attention and saps your energy.

It's like trying to water your garden with a hose that has holes in it. Only a trickle of that precious life-giving nutrient can come through. If you're tired, depressed, or unexcited about life, hanging on to old regrets at deep levels could be a hidden factor.

One way to reclaim your energy is...( read the rest of the article)

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