An Assortment of Ways to make a Better World
Thoughts and ideas of Yeremiah and his views of the world. These are only views and opinions, they shouldn't be looked at as factual in any way.


Welcome and Thank-You for viewing my blog. These are a portrayal of my ideas and thoughts as well as my dreams. I hope you enjoy what you read and leave comments fso I can improve upon my writings. Thanks again for taking the time to read my thought.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Endings Are Just Beginnings

How to move beyond breakups, layoffs, and unspoken words.
By Patricia Spadaro

"The beginning and the end reach out their hands to each other."
--- Chinese Proverb

How often do you think about a past event with sadness, regret, or anger?

Whether it's a bitter breakup, a surprise layoff, or words we regret having said (or not said), constantly wishing we could magically change what has already happened only keeps us stuck and brings us a lot of pain to boot.

While you probably know it's unhealthy to hold on to the past, you may not realize why.

Here's one reason that should be at the top of the list: When you choose to live in the past, you're operating with less than 100 percent of your energy in the present.

Holding on to anything for a long time takes energy and attention. Constantly bending your mind backwards in time is no different.

Whether you're consciously aware of it or not, refusing to let go and move on divides your attention and saps your energy.

It's like trying to water your garden with a hose that has holes in it. Only a trickle of that precious life-giving nutrient can come through. If you're tired, depressed, or unexcited about life, hanging on to old regrets at deep levels could be a hidden factor.

One way to reclaim your energy is...( read the rest of the article)

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Inspiration Ahead!!

Let's face it, we never know what will inspire us next.  Leave any preconceived notions at the door when you leave today.  Open up your eyes, open your mind, allow the beauty of life to unfold before you.

Today is a beautiful day to be alive.  Share one good thing that happened to you today with someone who is important to you. Ask them what was great about their day.

If you don't already, start looking for the moments that make you smile, laugh or ponder a bit more.

How Are You Dealing With Change?

I've gone through many major changes in my life: marriage; becoming a father (twice); quitting my job and changing careers three months after I got married; and, quitting my job again 2.5 years later to start my own business. I've also experienced all the disruptions and roadblocks involved in those kind of changes.

Through it all, one of the things I've noticed about change is; whether you like it or not; whether you embrace it or run from it; go with it, lead into it, or get dragged into it kicking and screaming, it's going to happen anyhow, with you or without you.

You see, what I've found out is: Change is the only constant. No matter how you react to it, and whether you like it or not, it doesn't matter: it's going to happen with you or without you.

However, I think where I learned the most about change and, more importantly how to succeed in a changing environment, is when my family and I packed ourselves up and moved from New York City (where we'd lived our entire lives) and relocated to Chapel Hill, NC in 1997.

What were the lessons learned?


Trust is a boundary, yet not known to mankind. It has shaped our existence, but dwelled in our sight. To trust is to love without fear.

Though the truth be told, trust is followed by jealousy, an unknown entity in the world of love. A fear held by all, but revealed by few. The world is not a perfect place. It holds heartache, disappointment and anguish. But the world of love can be a wonderful thing. With sorrow comes friendship. With pain comes passion.

But at the base of them all lays trust: the beginning of all and the basis of life. Trust is the foundation that we must pursue in the face of love. For without it, it leaves us with nothing but fear.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Break from life

Give yourself a break today.  Be proud of what you have accomplished and look forward to becoming even better with time, education and a whole lot of practice.  Theory is great but

taking action and accomplishing the task helps us to realize that hey, I can do this!

Thursday, January 18, 2018

The Triumps of the Human Spirit

The human spirit is triumphant. It deals with turmoils that society as well as other forces puts us through.

The Power of Positivity

The state of being positive is powerful, it is the same as being an optimist.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Time never stops

Time doesn't slow down or stop so you can accomplish your dream. 

You have to make the time.

What the quote means is don't use the passing of time as an excuse not to fulfill what you want to do.

If you want to lose weight, you know it's going to take time.  But if you fail to start, it'll take longer than you originally thought it would. 

Need to get in shape with exercise?  Start now, Yeremiah, because the time will fly and before you know it a week has passed, a month has passed, a year has
passed and you are still in the shape you were when you thought about starting.

Life will continue to go on so jump on board.  Achieve your dream by planning
and taking action.

Dance your Life Away!

Dancing impacts our brains powerfully to maximize its cognitive function, improve neuroplasticity, slows down aging, and boost memory.

There was a study conducted by Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City found that dancing on a regular basis reduced the risk of dementia by 76%! I know, nuts, right? Now that you know the stats, it's time to dance.

Today, I want you to dance like nobody's watching.

If you’re brave enough, record it, upload it, and share it using the hashtag #PrinceEaLoveChallenge. 

Dance to celebrate the brilliant light that you are, dance for your health, dance to shake off the troubles of day to day life and dance in celebration of making it through the 7-Day Love Challenge. 

Thanks for taking this journey with me. Wishing you continued loved filled days and joy. 

Sunday, January 14, 2018


Life is full of obstacles and challenges. It is our choices to look at them in a positive or negative light. I choose to look at these obstacles as fun adventurs of life.  This produces  wave or a ripple effect of generosity, kindness, and love. I believe that this is the highest and most saught after way of being. When you love everything it is impossible for anyone or anything to bring you down. Your kindness leads the way as a beacon of hope and light for others to follow and they eventually take the lead from you.

Empathy? Compassion? Sympathy? Aren't they all the same? No, not at all. According to Motivational speaker, Sara Schairer, there is a distinct difference.

Empathy means that you feel what a person is feeling.

Sympathy means you can understand what the person is feeling.

Compassion is the willingness to relieve the suffering of another.

Hmm... there is more to learn about these emotions.  In fact I thought I would add a 

link to the article for additional understanding.

There are many good articles about this topic, so take a look around the net if you need some additional information.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Great Customer Service Is A Choice

No one can MAKE or FORCE you to serve customers well. That's because great service is a choice.

Harvey Mackay, author of the New York Times #1 bestsellers Swim With The Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive and Beware the Naked Man Who Offers You His Shirt, tells a wonderful story about a cab driver that proved this point.

He was waiting in line for a ride at the airport. When a cab pulled up, the first thing Harvey noticed was that the taxi was polished to a bright shine. Smartly dressed in a white shirt, black tie, and freshly pressed black slacks, the cab driver jumped out and rounded the car to open the back passenger door for Harvey.

He handed my friend a laminated card and said, "I'm Wally, your driver. While I'm loading your bags in the trunk, I'd like you to read my mission statement."

Taken aback, Harvey read the card.

Wally's Mission Statement:

What could the cab driver's mission statement be?  Let's find out:

Monday, January 8, 2018

The Tree of Life

The tree of life is one of the oldest spiritual signs of the world. From all over the world, we find tales of special magical trees. It stands in the center of the world. It is the first source of life.  Its fruit bestows immortality. It grows in Paradise, the first and most beautiful garden of the Earth. Its roots reach into the underworld, and its top pierces the heavons. It is old since time out of mind.  

A Message From The Universe

Written by Carol James

Are You Ready? A Message From The Big U to YOU

I am your best friend. I am your confidant. You can tell me anything at all and I will always understand and love you.

I know that you always do your very best and that sometimes your fears get the best of you. I know that you have come a long way and have grown and matured in immeasurable ways.

To me, you are a beautiful, bright shining light beaming with courage and soul. I am always here for you, waiting at your beck and call.

Tell me what you want. Tell me all your dreams and I will be delighted to help you live them. I can find people and arrange circumstances in ways that you could never imagine.

You can read more here:

Friday, January 5, 2018

Opinions matter, but don't define you

If someone doesn't agree with your opinion, so what? It doesn't mean they are wrong, it means they think differently than you do. Are you going to put them down because of this? Seems to me that if you do, you're the smaller person.

Yeremiah, please don't get trapped into believing that you know everything and that your way is the only way. Others have ideas too. Let's spend time looking for common ground with others, rather than looking for differences