An Assortment of Ways to make a Better World
Thoughts and ideas of Yeremiah and his views of the world. These are only views and opinions, they shouldn't be looked at as factual in any way.


Welcome and Thank-You for viewing my blog. These are a portrayal of my ideas and thoughts as well as my dreams. I hope you enjoy what you read and leave comments fso I can improve upon my writings. Thanks again for taking the time to read my thought.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Windows Through which we Look

A young couple moved into a new neighborhood
The next morning while they were eating breakfast,
The young woman saw her neighbor hanging the wash outside.
'That laundry is not very clean,' she said.
'She doesn't know how to wash correctly.
Perhaps she needs better laundry soap.'
Her husband looked on, but remained silent.
Every time her neighbor would hang her wash to dry,
The young woman would make the same comments.

About one month later, the woman was surprised to see a nice clean wash on the line and said to her husband:

'Look, she has learned how to wash correctly.
I wonder who taught her this.'
The husband said, 'I got up early this morning and
Cleaned our windows.'
And so it is with life.
What we see when watching others depends on the window through which we look. Yeremiah Hardt

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


We tend to see things from the light that we cast upon the object we are viewing. Seen from a point of happiness, everything looks of goodness, everything has a remarkable authentic and true quality. 

When seen from a angle of fear it is extremely hard to impossible to overcome any of the feats that we set for ourselves.

Yeremiah Hardt

May all Your Dreams Come True

Lean against a tree
and dream your world of dreams
Work hard at all you do
and try to overcome all obstacles
Laugh at your mistakes
and praise yourself for
leaning from them
Pick some flowers
and appreciate the beauty of nature
be honest with people
and enjoy the good in them
Don’t be afraid to show your emotions
Laughing and crying make you feel better
Love your friends and family
with your entire being
They are the most important part of your life
feel the calmness on a quiet sunny day
and plan what you want to accomplish in life
Find a rainbow And live your World of dreams
And live your
world of dreams
---Susan Polis Schutz
Yeremiah Hardt

Trust in Relationships - By Kim Olver

We have been taught to believe trust is a commodity to be earned by others. Once they have passed certain tests, then we feel safe to extend our trust. I would like to entertain the idea that trust can be a verb, rather than a noun. It's a choice you make and says much more about you than it does the person to whom you are extending that trust.
When you are involved in a relationship and you say you trust that person, it is more than a noun. It's not just a thing you extend to a person like a gift--it is followed up with behaviors--things you do and things you don't do.
When you trust someone, you know he or she will do the right thing. You know they have their affairs (no pun intended) under control. They are faithful and loyal. You don't need constant reassurance of this--you just know.

What you don't do is constantly grill a person about where he or she is and with whom he or she is spending time. You don't have him or her followed looking for proof of infidelity. You don't snoop around in his or her personal belongings or private places. You trust that he or she can be trusted.

Trusting has so much more to do with who you are as a person than it does with who your partner is. When you are secure in yourself and know that you are worthy to receive love, then it is natural to trust.

The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction says that if you look at life and see positive things then you will attract more of that positive energy into your life and vice versa.

If you always find yourself in relationships where you have been disappointed and lied to, ask yourself what it is about you that brings dishonorable people into your life. I'm not in any way blaming you for your misfortune, but I know people attract what they think about.

If you want more trust in your life, you have to be more trusting and more worthy of trust. You can't get from others what you don't possess in yourself. You must ask yourself, "Am I a trustworthy person? Does my partner realize that I have integrity and can be trusted? Do I extend trust to him or her?"

Of course, there will inevitably be someone you trusted who didn't deserve it, but don't allow that to shake the foundation of your self-confidence. It is right to trust the person with whom you are involved. If he or she is undeserving of your trust, in time this will be revealed to you and then you can move on and forgive--whether or not you choose to stay with the person. It does no good to stay if the trust is forever gone.

Beyond Lost Trust

I was recently talking to one of my clients about her readiness to begin a new relationship. This woman, Susan, had been divorced for about five years and believed she was ready for a new dating relationship in her life but nothing was happening for her.

I asked her if there was something holding her back. She is an attractive and fun-loving person. I suggested that maybe her ex-husband was still holding too much power over her emotions to allow her to engage in a relationship with someone new.

She thought about that and realized that what really happened is that when her husband had an affair with a much younger woman, it totally shook her self-esteem. If she doesn't like herself, how can someone else be attracted to her?

So often, when our trust is shattered, we tend to look at ourselves. What's wrong with me? Why did someone I love betray me? Why didn't I see it? Instead, we need to look at the character flaw in the other person. When someone makes a promise to another and breaks it, then that is a flaw in them, not you.

Trusting really comes down to which is most important to you--trust or self-protection? If you are more concerned with keeping yourself safe, you probably won't trust because you are afraid of being hurt. However, can you really protect yourself? Won't you still be hurt to learn of a loved one's deception? Without trust, you will never achieve that level of intimacy a trusting relationship provides. What will you really lose by trusting?

The most important thing, though, is to not lose respect for yourself. You are a worthy person. Spend some time engaging in some self-nurturing behavior. Learn to love yourself again. Your self-esteem cannot be based on the frailties of another person.

I have two questions. Do you want to be in a relationship with someone whom you can't trust? And do you want to be in a relationship where you are behaving as a jealous, crazy person?

Trust is Multi-Level

The trust one needs in a relationship is multi-level. At the base level, there is a trust in your partner. Your partner may deserve your trust or he or she may not. You have no control over that at all. If a person is unworthy of your trust, that in no way diminishes you.

At the next level is a trust in oneself. At this level, it is important to trust your own instincts in people. You may not always be right. People are very good at deception if they want to be. However, if you trust in yourself and your good judgment, when you make a mistake you won't be devastated. You just realize that you were involved with a person who was a master of deception and you move on undaunted but perhaps a bit wiser.

Finally, there is trust in the universal order of things--a divine spirit, if you will. If you have total and complete trust in the Universal Spirit or your Higher Power then that trust will never be betrayed. The Universal Spirit will always provide you with what you need whenever you have a need.

Have you lost your trust? Do you want to get it back? Let go of the wrong that was done, trust in yourself again and ultimately trust in the Universal Spirit to provide you what you need when you need it. You will discover a sense of peace and calm that will sustain you through the difficult and lonely times.

Yeremiah Hardt Yeremiah Hardt

Curiousity Never Leaves

Curiosity is fundamental in life. It never fully vacates from our humanity. It leads us to the discovery of new adventures and grants access to new situational attributes that promote growth.

Curiosity is one of the driving forces of life. It causes new ideas to initiate, while changing the structure of the old.

Without curiosity we would have little pain or pleasure. In taking away the negative, you remove the positives in life as well.

Love of being curios is very powerful. It acquires the energy needed to give curiosity all that it desires.

Yeremiah Hardt Yeremiah Hardt


Views are basically interpretations of the outside world. These interpretations mold you in unforeseen ways. You have to slow down sometimes just to get your bearings and enjoy what you have. Take a minute to enjoy the wonders, because literally there are no schedules, except the ones we have placed on ourselves. We are very powerful entities. We should enjoy all we can. There is always an extension on everything.

Points of view are easier to manipulate then viewpoints. They are so because only one has a point of view. Some views are so ingrained they are extremely difficult to change.

The more petrified these viewpoints become the harder it is to coerce them.

Yeremiah Hardt Yeremiah Hardt

How to Become Truely Wealthy

Wealth is caused by being unstoppable in life, not taking no for an answer. You can have no money at all and still be wealthier than a person with a gold mine. Your attitude with life makes you as rich as you let it.

Wealth is neither a goal nor a destination, it is a way of life. If it helps you spread happiness you are truly a person that has wealthy characteristics. Yeremiah Hardt

Knowledge isn't Knowing

Knowledge today is cheaply found on the internet or in the brain of the false, pretender of knowing what has not been actualized in self proven experience. Knowing is the real thing that separates the ‘gold from the fool’s gold’. Knowledge can be power without really knowing if it’s reality, applicable, or self experiential. ‘Knowing’ is not personally unproven, that’s knowledge. Knowledge of how to do something is less reliable than knowing it from clear, actual positive experience.

Religious salesmen and politicians have been selling loaded knowledge and misinformation to the masses for eons hoping that they don’t become aware and educated of contrary and better information, or worse yet, a contrary experience to what they have been fed. These ‘mind controllers’ have depended on the ignorance of the people who are often just too busy digging out of self created holes that they have created for themselves. Power of the controllers depends on the continuing ignorance of the controlled.

Buddha comes from ‘buddhi’ which means ‘intelligence’. Only through intelligence can people become aware, and then the use of discernment of that intelligence to reach it’s highest form. Intellect is more ‘knowledge oriented’. Intelligence comes with knowing first hand. Fake is at best a mirror image of reality.

‘’I know that’’, is a common use of language but quite different than being able to actualize behavior into a consistent pattern far removed from ‘just saying it’. Frequently the user/abuser of intoxicating, mind altering substances claim ‘to know’ better ways of living or doing things, but in fact it is just knowledge unproven from their experience. Water seeks it’s lowest level as do most who ‘follow the crowd’ with out deep consideration that it’s not in the direction of knowing the conscious self. Thinking that leads to actualization of thoughts removes one from being the ‘Humpty Dumpty on the wall’ espousing trinkets of fake wisdom without having both feet on the ground.

Fear of walking away from the ‘crowds of knowledge’ for the asleep, takes the courage of intelligence and awareness that evolves one into an authentic knowing human, instead of a robot or parrot of someone else’s words’. Truths are found in knowing, not in borrowed knowledge. Always seek the highest level of knowing and truth!

Yeremiah Hardt Yeremiah Hardt


Everyone can be addicted to something. The obstacle is not to let your addiction take over your life. You have to maintain control over your addiction, only then will you have authentic power over your life. We all have to guide ourselves according to our own beliefs. However there are those who will not agree with our belief systems, it is best to limit your interactions with them. Yeremiah Hardt

Monday, April 28, 2014


Everyone is afraid of poverty, but it’s all in the way you handle this fear. Fear of poverty is the real dilemma that leads us astray. It creates such anguish that quite literally causes the downfall of the person you could have been. Cold is one way to represent the greed surrounding you. How it is overcome is the essence of true life.

Happiness has a great effect on the life that we lead. If you are happy nothing seems to get you down for a period of time. Give thanks for all and you will be happy in all that you do. Happiness does spread further then fear of poverty ever could.

Yeremiah Hardt Yeremiah Hardt


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What are we afraid of? Why do we induce medication but discourage drug use? What so bad about being unique? Why are there boundaries we can't wait to cross and others we dare not to?

We need utter control of everything? Yet we want total freedom with the same breath? Total freedom, what are we afraid of? We are afraid of that very thing? To be totally free?

Why do we belittle the ones we don't understand? Acceptance of new ideas and ways of thinking is mandatory. Total freedom is what we need, but that is what we are so afraid of.

Different teachers lead to different lessons. Control is always seeked but who is really in control. It is just an illusion. We are all under an illusion that we have control. It is extremely difficult to give up the illusion of control. However this is totally possible.

Yeremiah Hardt Yeremiah Hardt

Saturday, April 26, 2014


As children, we are taught not to lie. But as we age the truth usually gets stretched so thin it is impossible to see. Why are we so embarrassed show our true face? What are we afraid of?
Yeremiah Hardt 


You need a heart in order to live. To be alive, without heart is a real tragedy. You have to believe. The adventure is clear ahead. Make your own path through life.

Yeremiah Hardt

Blue Skies

From sunny days to stormy nights, the unpredictablity of weather is fascinatingly similar to the human psyche and emotional levels we all have.

Yeremiah Hardt

Spiritual Energy

 Your energy beautiful. This energy is united and never leaves. It is always in existence and always present.
This presence is so substantial and so everlastingly sublime.It creates such magnificence throughout existence.

Yeremiah Hardt


This has the ability to both give and take life away. It causes death by freezing or drowning a living entity, both which are reversible, if the time factor is observed

Yeremiah Hardt Yeremiah Hardt


Fear of the unknown is only natural. It is in essence being afraid to take chances and show your true self. By being spontaneous and living life you truly expose yourself to all the wonder and magnificence of reality. Yeremiah Hardt

Not what I am

I am not my religion I am not my address I am not my nationality I am not my country I am not my brain I am not my beauty I am not my head I am not my personality I am not my height I am not my weight I am not my figure I am not my health I am not my feeling I am not my intellect I am not the clothes I wear I am not the titles I bear I am not my age I am not my experience I am not the praises and accolades I am not the mistakes I made I am not the school and degree I am not the licenses I earned There’s more to a person -- body, soul and spirit, than the CV and certificates ~Champs Ulysses Cabinatan *poem experiment, inspired from a form I’m filling up. Yeremiah Hardt Yeremiah Hardt


We only get one chance at being someones sunshine, so why not take it and bring up someone. Being happy is a state of mind, however others can help you be happy. Happiness is contagious as is laughter but you have to ne open to it. Yeremiah Hardt

A few things to encourage an Amazing life

1. I am ONLY taking inspired actions in my life. I only do that which inspires me and makes me feel happier, lighter and more free! 2. I always replace worry with wonder, and this will make my life "wonder-full" 3. I immediately cancel and replace heavy thoughts that arise like I...."should", "could", "would", "have to", "must", "need to" and "I've got to". Instead of these heavy thoughts, I think and feel thoughts like, "I want to", "I get to", "I'd like to", "I'd love to" "I can" “I will” “I am!” 4. I accept myself, approve and appreciate myself exactly as I am no matter what the situation or experience I’m going through. 5. I explore each experience in life (especially those I have trouble with) with a gentle, compassionate, conscious childlike curiosity. 6. I am independent of the good and bad opinions of others. 7. I remain centered and at peace with myself the world, even when others are not. 8. I think and speak only positive empowering things about others and about myself in a way they can easily feel and understand. 9. I exercise, meditate, eat healthy, and get enough sleep at least 6 days a week. 10. I create loving long term relationships that are fulfilling. I always keep my heart open to fully experience every person and situation that comes my way. 11. I have healthy boundaries with the demands of others and can simply and effortlessly say NO when I feel taken advantage of or dis-empowered in any way 12. I am 100% committed to these amazing life transformational commitments for the next 90 days! Yeremiah Hardt

Here’s a process for one single task, whatever you have in front of you right now:

Pause and consider. Why are you doing the task? It’s on your list and also because someone sent it to you? Or because it will make a difference in the world, help make someone’s life better? Is it a compassionate act? Is it part of a project that matters? Know why you’re doing something, and then imbue the task with that intention.. Sometimes, we resist a task, procrastinate on it. I mean, not you, of course. Most other people procrastinate. This procrastination is rooted in fear, and so the trick is to see the fear, to feel it in your body, to accept it as part of you and not “wrong.” Then to give it compassion, and act anyway in the moment. Don’t let your mind run away from the task. Have you ever been reading an article (like this one) and had the urge to switch to something else? This urge pushes itself on us, all day, because of the nagging feeling that there’s something else we should be doing, something else more important, more fun, that we might be missing out on. Instead, forget about those something elses. Make this one task about yourself, and give it the space to fill up your entire mind. Put yourself fully in this one space, and pretend there’s nothing else.. Even with this task becoming your universe, there will be the urge to run away. This is fear again. Don’t let it rule you. Stick with the task, even just for a couple more minutes. Be curious about it: notice its qualities, wonder how it will go if you stay with it, don’t think you know everything about it. Pay attention, and see what it’s like. Bow when you’re done. Don’t rush off to the next task, but instead pause. Create a tiny bit of space before you move on to the next thing. Wash your bowl. Check the task off your list. Breathe, and see how your body is feeling. Now consider what task you should do next, not just because it’s in your inbox or task list, but because it matters Yeremiah Hardt

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Tips for a Better Life

Mind your own business; don't interfere in other people's personal matters unless they request you... it keeps you free from extra tension.

Don't be too curious; never try to investigate or inquire about a person's schedule, as these inquiries usually make you and the ones questioned uncomfortable.

Help yourself; always do your work yourself, try not to use help unless you actually need it. It keeps you busy and secondly it saves you the hassle of another's carelessness.

Help other people; you get a lot of pleasure by helping the needy. Always be ready to lend a helpful hand. Thanks and warm wishes will make your journey, life, happy and safe.

Recognize small achievements; don't aim too high as small goals are equally important. Always remember little droplets make up the ocean. Your small achievements and virtues will also prove your worth.

Give thanks and say sorry; never hesitate to say thank you and sorry. It shows your kind and caring nature. It also compels other to respect you and advise you.

Remember God; always remember God, the Almighty. Pray for success and satisfaction in this life and after death.
--- Author Unknown --- Submitted by Hina Shehzad --- UAE

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Hero of the Tarsiers

In the Philippines, 12 year old Carlito Pizarras went towards his prey, a animal in a tree. Both he and his brother shook the tree and stopped when the animal fell. He was smiling as he was heading home with the animal under his shirt. As a boy his expertise was capturing cute little monkeys. He gave these to his father to sell in the marketplace. In that time he had no idea that he would be their protectors. He gave the pet plenty, but couldn't keep his health from deteriorating. He decided to take one as a pet, not knowing how to keep the animal a live. He studied them in the town library. However the only information he found was that they consumed charcoal. He then found out they eat the insects inside of the charcoal. His next pet got the right of insects from crickets, grasshoppers to other bugs. They weren't ideal pets Carlito soon found out. They didn't belong in cages. In fact they would injure themselves trying to escape. Carlito kept catching them for his father, despite his feelings of it being wrong. He had to search a lot more, because they were disappearing. People were both hunting them as well as destroying there habitats. Carlito now devoted his time to their protection. He showed people how to plant crops on the flatlands, showing people that they didn't have to kill them. He was busy, all day he worked the farm and at night he tended to the Tarsiers. Behind his home he built a huge cage for them with trees inside. He learned how to keep them alive and how to have them to have young. When they matured he released them to the wild. Carlito was not able to keep them as pets unfortunately.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Strength of a Spirit

In London 2012 Olympic games, Tatyana McFadden, who is in a wheelchair, sets a new world record of 52.97 seconds, winning her first gold medal. She won two more golds and one bronze medal more then any other female athlete in London. Because of this she is the fastest wheelchair racer in the world. In July 2013 she became the first to ever win six gold medals at an International Paralympic Committee world championship for track. She was known as "The Beast," because of her broad shoulders, bulging bicepts and seemingly superhuman strength. She was born in Russia, in the year 1989, with spina bifida. This defect meant a portion of her spine didn't close during her development which caused paralysis in the lower half of her body. She grew up in an orphanage and taught herself to walk on her hands. She refused help from others. When she was six, Deborah McFadden, the commissioner for disabilities in the US department of Health was touring Russia and visited Tatyana's orphanage. Deborah was drawn to Tatyana, "She was crawling on the floor bright-eyed and engaging." That night Tatyana told everyone at the orphanage that Deborah was her mother, which was a surprising first. After arriving at Baltimore, her new home with Deborah, she was given a dismal prognosis of living for a year at most. Well needless to say she proved the doctors wrong because of her strong heart and mind. She even joined an athletic group for children with physical disabilities, called the Bennet Blazers. She was competing in wheelchair track in the summer before ninth grade. Tatyana and her mother flew to California so she could try out for the Paralympic Games. She made t1he team at 15, the youngest competitor to date. Because of this she went to the 2004 Olympic Games in Greece and won a silver in 100 meter race and a bronze in the 200 meter. She won four more medals in the Beijing games. In 2013 she was the first athlete to win the Boston, London, Chicogo and New York City Marathons in the same year. She says, "I don't let little things set me back, lime being sick or being in a wheelchair. If I stay mentally strong, I can do anything. I don't even see myself in a chair. That's a little thing." She now has her sights set on skiing in the winter olympics. I wish her luck.