No matter what one has a talent for full greatness for an activity takes around 10,000 hours.
Friday, February 28, 2014
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Anti Depression
Below is the list of ten anti-depressing super liberating actions which are guaranteed to alleviate any level of depression from your life. There is no need for pharmaceuticals people, we were fine without them 100 years ago, and you don't want to be addicted to pills the rest of your life that simply make you emotionally numb. Simply follow these 10 secrets for the next 3 months of your life and you'll be soooo high that you'll have no reason to be depressed about anything again...enjoy!
1. Stop resisting the experience you are having. Whenever you feel the most depressed during your day, take that precious moment to stop everything and lay your body down on the ground. Connect with the earth, let your entire being surrender to this planet beneath you and drop into core of your innermost being. Let your self dissolve into the experience and do not move a muscle. Surrender as if you were a corpse and if needed go through the death experience in your mind. Surrender to all the feelings and resistance that is arising. If you're feeling resistance to feel deeper into your resistance, then merge and melt with that resistance. Open yourself to explore every little body sensation that you are having. When you do this, don't stop until you feel completely peaceful and serene with every aspect of your life. The great secret here lies within not fighting, avoiding or resisting the experience you're given on any subtle level.
2. Stick to eating 70 percent 80 percent raw fruits and vegetables. If you want a super high vibe, stay far far away from any food or drink that is in a box, bag or can. Processed foods made by a machine will not bring out your highest consciousness and a raw veggie fruit diet will. Raw foods contain the highest and most potent energy (from the sun) and lays the foundation where your brain can access expanded levels of energy making it hard to fall into any form of perpetual sadness.
3. Stay away from alcohol or drugs of any kind. Most people who are depressed are drinking and smoking frequently to numb some deep emotional pain, abandonment, death or relationship breakup buried deeper inside. The temporary elated high experience received from drugs or alcohol only later bottoms out, leading for the need to detox the brain and body. The day after one always has to fight their hangover, and battle their way out from the long chemical crash it induces in the brain. This makes it very difficult to think and feel happy thoughts for several days which addicts who cannot handle the low often "bite the hair of the dog" and re-introduce the drug/alcohol back into their system. This cycle will then numb out their low, and jump back on the chemical rollercoaster again. The best advice is to not start at all, and when you go out at night simply order a water, lemonade or a virgin bloody mary instead.
4. Stop eating food for 36-72 hours. One of the most powerful and effective ways to truly conquer the depths of long term depression is making the commitment to do a 2-3 day fast or cleanse. Depending on your severity of toxicity, it may take any where from 2 days to 2 months to reboot your system. You can do a water, fruit juice, and/or vegetable juice cleanse as a way to retrain your brain to let go of attachment to the thing it thinks it absolutely needs to! When you stop eating food, the mind then becomes void of all thoughts including the ones that make you feel sad and hopeless. You have a clearer consciousness that can see through the story and liberate you from the powerless place you were once in. A stomach that is truly empty of food will purify the mind, cleanse out the internal organs, and as the liquid moves through you liberates the mind from all grasping. For more information about how to do a juice cleanse click here.
5. Jump up and down with joy because you are alive. An amazing technique that will truly trick your joy valve to start pumping dopamine into your brain is to physically jump up and down every morning yelling with excitement!! Yes, physically jump up and down for at least 15 seconds and yell the words "l'm excited! l'm excited! l'm excited! l'm excited!" This will instantly flood a happy creative cocktail of positive chemicals into your brain, and force you to think about what you are actually excited about in your life. In this life changing experience you may need to fake it until you make it, pretend it until you transcend it, until you truly start feeling exciting about this opportunity to be alive again.
6. Exercise your body for at least 20 minutes every morning. Bringing more oxygen to the body and brain is essential for feeling high, horney, happy and free. If you really want to feel good about life, then do any exercise as soon as you get up. Go for it until you break a sweat, and continue on until you feel a sense of exhaustion. This will flood the brain with positive happy chemicals that make it much more difficult to feel blue the rest of your day.
7. Get out of your box and socialize. At least 6 days a week get out of your box and go meet with one person and/or a group of people. A group is considered to be 2 or more people that are including you in the conversation. Learn how to be social and don't talk about intellectual things that bring everyone further up into their head! When in your group, speak from the heart and share something that is real, emotional, heartfelt, or you are thankful for in life. Speak only in a positive perspective especially if you feel the need to share about something traumatic, negative or depressing. Let yourself let go of your stuck story and laugh a deep belly laugh each time you socialize. You can bring out a lighter side to your story that contains some level of appreciation and gratitude so as not to bring everyone's vibration down. This is your special social time to be honest with everyone about what you're facing inside, and yet look deeper beneath your story to share what is positive inside you, and discover what you are truly thankful for in your life.
8. Give and receive at least 3 hugs a day. We are energetic beings with a bio-magnetic need to be affectionate and give/receive touch with other people. Science has shown that we have longer, healthier, and happier lives the more physical loving contact we create each day. Stop being afraid of touching others or imposing your heart upon theirs! Open your arms to hug every single person that enters your home, even if its a total stranger! Allow yourself the gift of being touched and touching others with sincerity. Who knows it may be the last time you see them. Be real with people and meet them where they are at. Other things you can do to create contact are to get a massage, ask a friend to hold your hand, or sit with your intimate partner touching each other gently in a very slow, quiet and conscious way. By increasing the level of conscious physical contact you have everyday, you'll shift your body's bio magnetic field and alter the brains happy chemistry in the process.
9. Become more sexually active. A good orgasm always leaves one feeling high, free and more enlightened. Initiate and instigate sensual sexual connection with your partner several times a week. If you don't have one, go find one! There are many people online looking for the same thing you are. So don't judge the sexual experience, be safe, adventurous and do something that you are afraid to do yet have always dreamed of doing. After a wild night of tantric lovemaking it's very hard for the brain to be sad about life the next day. The most powerful manifesting vibration happens right after you orgasm. You can create basically anything you want from this highly blessed state. If you are picky and just cannot find the right partner to be with, then pleasure yourself as frequently as you can. Don't be shy, this is your life and opportunity to experience being free alive and joyous!
10. Initiate contact with the God Source. Meditate and pray to the Universe for healing and guidance every morning, noon and evening. Nobody can be depressed when they discover their own personal connection with the Divine. Just sit for a few minutes a day and meditate on where is the source of love. Think about where the source of love comes from? Relax into this exploration, and rest deeply into your body, ever so gently and deeply, until you become aware of that which is aware. Breathe deeply and remain conscious of this divine all powerful intelligent divine consciousness that is always here now. Practice this awareness all throughout your day. Whenever you discover that this divine Love is at the core of each experience, you'll find yourself giggling instead of crying, and truly understand the cosmic joke of it all when you remove the veil that was once pulled over your eyes.
Thursday, February 20, 2014
The 3 Do-What-You-Love Conundrums
By Leo Babauta
I make a living doing what I love, and I recommend it to my kids.
Doing what you love for a living is fantastic.
However, it comes with three conundrums:
Will earning money for what you love make you stop loving it?Can everyone do what they love?What about stuff you don’t love but have to do?
Those are excellent questions, and numerous people have asked me variations on all of them.
Here’s what I’d say:
When you do what you love for a living (let’s say, writing or helping people), don’t show up every day for the money. That’s a lousy motivation, and eventually it’ll become drudgery, because money isn’t something you can really love. Instead, show up every day for a better reason. I show up every day and put in my hours because I hope what I do will help people, and I love helping people. It never gets tiring, never becomes drudgery.Yes, everyone can do what they love — but not necessarily for a living. I realize I’m extremely lucky to be able to do what I love for a living. You might be able to get lucky too – I’d give making a living from what you love a shot before dismissing it. See if it’s possible. But if not, still do what you love, on the side, for no money. It’s still worth doing, even if you have to do something else to put food on the table.Even if your income comes from what you love, you still have to do stuff you don’t love. Tasks that are no fun. Things that have to be done, but no one likes doing them. So what? Sometimes hard stuff needs to be done in order to make the stuff you love possible. Show up and do it. Hard things aren’t that bad. I use them as mindfulness practice, and by the way, I love mindfulness practice.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Ten Reasons Why You Don't Need To Give Up
REASON 1: You have already started. There is no need in stopping half way. I am sure stopping half way would not bring back all the time you have invested in ensuring that you achieve this project/plan.
REASON 2: You are almost there. Most times, problems don't come until you are almost there. Remember, one painful thing about life is not achieving something you knew you could achieve, something that was almost within your reach.
REASON 3: You are stronger than your current problems. Even your problems are not there to intimidate you but to challenge you to get better and move higher. Your current problem that looks like your number one enemy is actually your friend in disguise, always trying to ensure that you bring out the very best in yourself.
REASON 4: You believed you could do it in the first place, that was why you started. You believed you could achieve it, which was why you put all your effort together to start it. Why have you decided to betray this strong belief you had in yourself?
REASON 5: You have realized the benefits you will get when you complete this project/plan/mission of yours. Don't you want them?
REASON 6: Every problem of yesterday is the success story of today. I am sure you want to be nicely dressed up in your suit, be on the center stage with a microphone probably in your hands, telling people how you made it to the top.
REASON 7: The problem you are facing now is what will give you the experience you need when you get to the next level. People that learned from their problems are able to cope better when they get to the next phase of their life.
REASON 8: The problem and your promotion are directly proportional. The bigger your problem, the bigger your promotion. The more you run from your problem, the more you lower your promotion. So it's up to you to decide now. Be wise.
REASON 9: You were probably tired of your previous position, title or state, which was why you tried something new. Are you willing to go back to your previous position?
REASON 10: You have a Big GOD that is ready to support you. He knows the beginning and he knows the end. He created you to experience life fully and he believes in you. God has given you power and authority over everything including your problems, so you have no reason to allow your problems to subdue you.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Rules of Life
Life doesn't have any rulebook. No schedule or itinerary either. All you can do is live on the spur of the moment. Even the schedules we make, we often don't keep.
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Popular New Years Resulution
1) Make changes to your behavior.Changing your routine can bring different results. Instead of trying the same thing over and over again, expecting a different outcome, people need to modify their behaviors.
2) Define SMART goals. When setting targets, use the SMART acronym: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-specific. Norcross says that individuals must go further than simply saying, "I want to lose weight." "Specifically, what are you going to do so that you can measure and track [your weight] over time, for say, the next three to four months?" he said.
3) Track your progress. Norcross calls this technique self-monitoring. A calendar, or a calendar app, is a handy tool you can use to track your goals. "It also can show you what the triggers of your behavior are and it can alert you to any early slips," Norcross says.
4) Reward small achievements. When you reach a portion of your goal, as an example you lose 10 of those 25 pounds, be kind to yourself. Recognize the accomplishment and perhaps do something nice for yourself. This will help keep you focused and excited about the overall goal.
5) Make it public. When individuals announce their goals on social media, to their families or in the workplace, they are being held accountable by those closest to them. The upside to this, Norcross says, is it can keep you on track. The downside: "It potentially increases embarrassment if they fail," he said. So, it depends on how open you want to be about your resolutions.
6) You are human. Chances are you may slip up once or twice during this process. It's OK. Norcross says it is important to deal with failures by getting back on track and continuing along your journey. Seventy percent of successful goal-setters said that their first slip actually strengthened their resolutions. Norcross says to adopt the outlook, "I'm human. Let me learn from it, and let me keep going."
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Physical addiction
From Zen Habilt
The physical addiction — this is hard but it only lasts a few days. Fortunately, I can tell you that if you really put your mind to it, you can do anything hard for a few days.The reliance on it as a coping mechanism — this is a problem because we’re so used to using the addiction as a crutch when we’re stressed or sad or things are difficult or we need to socialize. Fortunately, there are plenty of other healthier ways to cope.You don’t believe you can do it. This is the worst one, because if you give in to this obstacle, the other two are not conquerable. Fortunately, this one is entirely self-caused, and so the solution is entirely within our hands.
Friday, February 7, 2014
Hell is a State of Mind
Misery is a choice to feed, or not. The mind is self manipulated for positive or negative conditioning. The ‘karma of mind’ is to react to what it’s fed in kind. Being positive, negative or whatever is a learned conditioning and becomes like a ‘hamster’ in his revolving spinning cage going no where. The ‘state of mind’ is a quality of thinking and being that becomes almost ‘hard wired’ as a serial habit of conduct.
Feeding your misery relentlessly is only to give it food to continue. Like- wise feeding the positive makes the positive more hungry for the same. Remain aloof, apathetic, unconcerned about ‘misery thinking’ as giving it attention is to merely feed its growth. Slowly give negative thinking less and less attention to see its influence begin to become smaller and smaller. Substitute positive being and actions as the negative fades away.
Magnify the positive! Attention is food! Anything you pay attention to grows. Pay attention to the garden eliminating the weeds while nourishing it with sunlight, water and fertilized, and it grows beautifully. Neglect it or be apathetic to it and the negative weeds proliferate. Condition yourself to distance from the negative. Develop personal techniques to measure your success with becoming more and more positive. Feed with paying attention and using discernment to make higher choices.
The world is a kaleidoscope of colors and viewpoints. Doing my ‘free speech displays’ in public, there have been many amusing moments. One recurring one is when two people step up independent of each other to remark. One has read the message as I meant it to be while the other often is angry at what they read, and is in a judgment that has nothing to do where I was coming from. My observation is that likely the ‘negative reaction’ is symptomatic of many layers of negativity of numerous things that have actually been so embedded as to become the ‘false self’ of the person.
We become prisoners of negative thinking and actions, or free to be a creative, positive, loving individual. It’s all in the application of techniques to rise above the madness of the cacophony of dissonance in the world and especially, within.
Yeremiah Hardt
You are Special
Your presence is a present to the world.
You are unique and one of a kind.
Your life can be what you want it to be.
Take the days just one at a time.
Count your blessings, not your troubles.
You will make it through whatever comes along.
Within you are so many answers.
Understand, have courage, be strong.
Do not put limits on yourself.
So many dreams are waiting to be realized.
Decisions are too important to leave to chance.
Reach for your peak, your goal and you prize.
Nothing wastes more energy than worrying.
The longer one carries a problem the heavier it gets.
Do not take things too seriously.
Live a life of serenity, not a life of regrets.
Remember that a little love goes a long way.
Remember that a lot goes forever.
Remember that friendship is a wise investment.
Life’s treasure are people together.
Realize that it is never too late.
Do ordinary things in an extraordinary way.
Have hearth and hope and happiness.
Take the time to wish upon a start.
Yeremiah Hardt
Homeless and Hungry
We as a nation should provide food that is healthy and sound for the homeless and make healthy foods more easily accessable to all. This example would be set for ourselves as well as the rest of the world. It isn't enough just to solve the hunger issue, we need to promote health as well.
Be at Peace
If you are at peace with yourself and you will be more happy than not. Nothing is able to harm a person who is at peace with themselves. Peacefulness should not be confused with passiveness, but often is. When you are truly at ease, nothing whatsoever can alarm you. You can truly accomplish greatness in all that you choose to do.
Push the unsure thoughts that you deem unworthy of your time as well as your attention away. However do not impose on others what you see as pertanant, just suggest and advise.
What is the productivity in panicing? This emotion causes more grief than it is worth. It just makes people anxious.
It's true you have to have knowledge of event, however you do not have to get so emotional about them. This anxiety can lead to hysteria and fear of the unknown. The has to be welcomed or else. There is a difference between observing what has happened and learning from it, than getting emotionally involved with it.
This should really not exist, the world has enough food for everyone. The struggle is that food is tied to wealth which is tied to greed. This is one of the great human dilemmas.
This problem is so easily solved. We as a people of the world have the capacity to alleviate the issue, by being more concerned with health, rather then the almighty dollar, which has its power simply because we give it freely to it.
Genius is best with a minuscule amount of insanity. If it has to much it cannot be controlled, and then it can harm people.
Control can sometimes prevent ideas from forming. This makes it very complicated in getting true genius ideas formed and processed.
Attempting the impossible is what makes us grow. Everyday the impossible is set in front of us. This brings joy to the living experiance which we all our part of.
Is Red really Sexy?
Yes, subconsciously it has a certain sexual appeal. That is not all it brings to the table. It means much more. It means importance, for example a red carpet. Red on woman is sexual in nature. In nature red is sexual for sure. Estrogen causes the flushing of cheeks. Genitals in both men and woman turn red when aroused. Red is also a bold color, it gains attention. Look at red carpets and restaurants. It also is a bold color. Women were encouraged to wear red in Germany to show their patriotizm. To sum up red has a decimated root in the physical response.
Be Content with your Life
There are nine requisites for contented living:
1. HEALTH: That you have enough to make work a pleasure.
2. WEALTH: You have enough to support your needs.
3. STRENGTH: You have enough to battle with difficulties and forsake them.
4. GRACE: You have enough to confess your sins and overcome them.
5. PATIENCE: You have enough to toil until some good is accomplished.
6. CHARITY: You give enough to see some good in your neighbor.
7. LOVE: That you have enough to move you to be useful and helpful to others.
FAITH enough to make real the things of God;
HOPE enough to remove all anxious fears concerning the future.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Eight Tips for Letting Go
Dealing With Separation -Breaking Up, Letting Go And How To Move On -By Lilly Calandrello
Why do we get so attached to anotherhuman being? The depression that follows the break-up of a relationship is considered by mental health professionals as a normal part of grieving. However, to those going through it, the pain can seem unbearable, and the accompanying behavior, embarrassing. But when a relationship is no longer flowing --either because one partner wants out or for any other reason --it is time to release. The magic of releasing gracefully may actually bring the partner back. However, it doesn't work to fake it. One must truly release without expectations for the future. And it is much easier to release than to go through the agony of holding on after it's over. Below are some guidelines for releasing when it's necessary. They make it easier to let go and even expedite the process so you can be free to move on.
1. Allow yourself to cry and grieve without judgment. Embrace the tears. Even welcome them, because they are healing. Don't fight your feelings of depression and sadness. Let them be, knowing that they will pass. Meanwhile, realize that the pain won't kill you. By letting your grieving flow freely, you will recover quicker.
2. Surrender to the Divine moment-by-moment and day-by-day, especially during the hard times. Stop trying to make something happen with your ex. Trust that if you're meant to be together, eventually it will be. But for now, you must release. There's a magic in this. Each time you manage to surrender, putting your pain in God's hands, you will be met by some unexpected good. I've seen this come in the form of a distraction, a visit from a caring friend or an inspirational email that lifts your spirits. This will build your trust. Understand that you are and will be taken care of, even in the midst of your sorrow. Watch for what shows up for you each day in the form of support and love.
3. One of the best methods of stopping obsessive thoughts about the otherperson is to focus instead on yourself and your own life. What we may look for in a lover is something we think is missing in our self, so it makes sense that attention to the self is what can actually fill this void. By turning your attention to yourself, you heal. Open to the Divine vision of yourself as a fulfilled, sacred being with an amazing life. Declare that it is time that you come into your own. Every time you slip into obsessing about your former partner, take steps toward realizing your potential. The goal in letting go is to eventually be neutral about the otherperson. This means that you don't waste time thinking about her, either with longing or with bitterness. Wish her well, but be too busy with your own life to waste much time on something that is now in the past.
4. When pain arises, embrace it but don't feed it. There is a hilarious bit in the film Broadcast News, in which each morning, the television producer played by Holly Hunter spends a few minutes in her closed office bawling her eyes out. Then, she puts away the Kleenex and gets on with her day. This is not a bad approach to the sadness of release. Yes, you must embrace and allow the pain, but there are times when you must put it on the back burner and get on with life (like at your job). Furthermore, you don't want to become a drama queen (or king) in which you allow your life to become a tragedy of unrequited, doomed love. There is too much loving and living waiting for you. Notice ways in which you feed your pain. Notice when you think of the person or your pain and how often. This alone will begin to dissolve the pattern. Say to yourself, "I'm thinking of him again." Watch yourself do this as if you suddenly realize you're sitting in a movie instead of being completely caught up in the movie. You will notice that the pain actually goes away as you dis-identify with it. Start understanding that you are not your thoughts, and that you can instantly pull yourself out of mushrooming negative thoughts or pain. As you master this practice, you are living in the present and leaving your past in the past.
5. Forgive so you can be free. Whether you blame your ex-partner or anotherperson for "breaking up" your relationship, hanging on to bitterness will not serve you. If you feel victimized, remember that you chose to stay in the relationship, ignoring the warning signs that were invariably there. Now, it's time to move on, and that's good. Be glad that you have finally seen the truth and can be open to something better. And don't bothertaking anything personally. Refrain from thinking there is something wrong with you.
6. Take the high road as a way of practicing self-love. Don't name call. Don't scream. Don't act childishly. Don't be petty. If you're a parent, don't put your children in the middle with little digs or get into a custody battle unless your children are truly in jeopardy. You may think vengeful thoughts but don't act on them. You will respect yourself much more by being above this "small" behavior.
7. Do a formal release of your partner. It's not necessary to do it face-to-face or over the phone. Write a letter that you don't send or perform a ritual, releasing him to his highest good. Imagine the ties between the two of you --between your hearts, between your sexual organs, between your minds, between your souls -being cut. Then, say good-bye out loud and in your heart. This may be extremely painful, but you will feel much lighter afterward.
8. Don't let your heart close. There is no such thing as a broken heart, only one that's opening wider. A heart in pain is simply feeling love and loss fully. This means that it behooves you to embrace your grieving while continuing to be open to love in whatever way it appears in your life. A heart that remains open heals faster. Time does help. So does meeting someone new or cutting off all contact with your ex. But it is also true that seeing your former partner regularly (if, for example, you work together) forces you into doing deeper internal expansion. If you have ever been in love before and gotten over it, you know you can do so again, even if this love has seemed like the greatest love you've ever known. Rest assured that there will be much more love for you and that this ending is actually a new beginning in your life.
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Super Heroes
Being a superior is a state of mind. Superheros are born not made. They have super confidence within themselves. You just need to be your grateful self to make yourself an ultimate Superhero.
How Zero Works
Zero is the opposite of infinity. This number captured human imagination more then any other number throughout time.
Zero is one of the most unique values of all time. It was not invented, it was discovered. Some cultures have even shunned its existence, as we shun "666." To them it means chaos.
The fact that it was discovered is very important. The Sumarians, who are a city-state of Mesopatamia, were the first known to entertain this concept. It allowed for faster calculations. However only in 300 AD did it become standard. The association with nothingness is an uncomfortable concept, since nothingness is associated with chaos. Another root of zero is India within the fifth century. It spread throughout the world after this.
Two Simple Words
Two words that can improve any relationship: "Thank you!"
If saying thank you is already habitual for you, say it with a renewed feeling today.
If you haven't already done so, then invite "Thank you" into your vocabulary.
It seems like the simplest thing to say, but gratitude and appreciation really does make a difference.
So, thank you!
Fourth Dimension
The Fourth Dimension and Beyond
Dimentional philosophy is an adamant discussion of this generation. It is very difficult to have the ability to recognize a fourth dimension is encompassing you. This discussion originated in Edwin A. Abbots book, "Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimension." In this he talked about a two dimensional square traveling into a three dimensional world, and his road to understanding.
The Fourth dimension is right in front of us. Sometimes what's in front of us is extremely difficult to see. A square in a one dimensional world would have difficulty understanding what a sphere from a three dimensional world is saying until he takes the square to its world. Questioning is akways going to be present. Every question leads to more question leads to more questions.
Pay it Forward
Gifts for future generations are in proportion to your gratitude. The nature of life is that we pay forward our biological creation and nurture. Our parents gift to us is life and nurture. While this much is essential to continued human existence, choose to take "pay it forward" farther -much farther. - Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Each of us has been generously gifted by parents, teachers, mentors, and others that we can never repay. So, in gratitude for what we have received, it is now our turn to generously gift the children, the up-and-coming, and the down-and-out --with no expectation that they can ever repay us - and with the hope that they will, in turn, pay-forward to another generation.
Brilliantly Beautiful
We are all beautiful. We are all alive and beautifully brilliant. We also have to respect all life or it will vanish. Through respecting life we encourage it through all the magnificent and wonder if it encourages living a great life.
Life could always improve, but sometimes you have to take it slow. There is no hurry to improve life. Life is a living breathing process which is of great value, it doesn't matter the circumstances. The point of view has not much value unless you make it have one.
We are in charge of ourselves as much as we are capable of. Even if you don't choose to believe it. A choice of anything is a choice in itself. We all control our own destiny only if we are brave enough to take advantage of it all.
Yeremiah Hardt
Eternal Optimist
To be happy as well as to always look on the bright side is rewardingly hopeful in looking to the future. You just see beauty in everything which is reinforced by every child and life you come in contact with on your great journey of existance. Knowledge that there are more great eaternally optimistic people gets you through your day. You have to be extremely calm and look for the humor in all situations.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Before you react
When someone upsets or angers us, it's so easy to react out of habit and regret it later. To break this habit, stay alert and catch yourself before you react!
Whether it's a difficult interpersonal interaction or an emotionally charged email, take a moment to choose your response and you'll come out better off.
Cloudy Situations
Do challenging situations feel like a burden that you have to endure? Do they seem to last forever?
To face challenges with more ease, think, situations are like passing clouds. These clouds gather around me at times but they're only temporary, sooner or later they will fade away.
Smile for Peace
If people smiled more both the weather will be sunny and there will be more peaceful intentions in action