An Assortment of Ways to make a Better World
Thoughts and ideas of Yeremiah and his views of the world. These are only views and opinions, they shouldn't be looked at as factual in any way.


Welcome and Thank-You for viewing my blog. These are a portrayal of my ideas and thoughts as well as my dreams. I hope you enjoy what you read and leave comments fso I can improve upon my writings. Thanks again for taking the time to read my thought.

Saturday, July 27, 2024


Summoning courage is often easier said than done. We can prepare for a test, a job interview, a date, or an audition to the best of our abilities, but when the time comes to actually prove ourselves, we may still feel or show signs of fear. This is natural, and in fact, it’s a sign that we’re moving in the right direction. As Amy Poehler once said, “Being nervous is great! How often do we get nervous on a daily basis? Being slightly nervous means you care, and you’re alive, and you’re taking some kind of risk. Hooray for being nervous!” Even if nerves are a good thing, though, it’s not easy to muster the bravery required to override them and get to whatever lies on the other side. This is the test we must pass over and over again to unlock the most valuable parts of life. Yeremiah Hardt

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