An Assortment of Ways to make a Better World
Thoughts and ideas of Yeremiah and his views of the world. These are only views and opinions, they shouldn't be looked at as factual in any way.


Welcome and Thank-You for viewing my blog. These are a portrayal of my ideas and thoughts as well as my dreams. I hope you enjoy what you read and leave comments fso I can improve upon my writings. Thanks again for taking the time to read my thought.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Friends Collaboration

Any good friend that collaborates with you, helps you through many difficulties. Having good friends make you feel at ease, an ease that comes to you with the more good friends you have, and the more you collaborate. The more friends you have the more fun you have in this great existence we call reality. The lower amount of difficulties, the greater amount of fun. The more you collaborate, the better you live your life. Friends add different aspects to your life creating a more adventurous life. This makes sense as if we are living with fewer difficulties, we are living with more fun. The more collaboration the more shared learning you will acquire. These learning experiences cause a reciprocal process which never ends. Education is forever as friends are forever. They cause a whole plethora of experiences which are totally unique from the past which are so magnanimous they add an element of surprise to new friendship collaborations

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What Is The Point Of Life

The point of life is to be honestly happy for the the longest available time. We all have to look beyond our sadness and be as happy as we can function within the disappointments of life. We have to be the happiest we can be within life and forgive the shortcomings of all others' misdeeds that affects our happiness. Everybody is bound to incur some bumps in the journey of happiness and we all have to function the best way we could possibly be in life. A friend of mine told me that when he was younger it was commonplace to set a tack on a chair and let someone come and sit down on it. As it happened, all would watch and laugh at the victim. The point of that tact is like the point of the life. It arouses our emotions. Do we sit on that point and know we are the victim, cry or turn that situation into a happy memory by laughing with them? The point of life is happiness. We have to practice our forgiveness as well as our belief in the future, that it holds the best that is all possible for us to happen.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Way of Life

“For the past 40 years the world’s most powerful radio telescope has been scanning the heavens searching for signals from alien civilizations. This project is called SETI.” (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Life) Well, we might not be searching for aliens, but our way of life is definitely a project searching for something. In our way of life we are always scanning our own journeys to increase the amount of joy there is in finding that something we are looking for. It isn't in living that we survive all tests but in making our lives purposeful creating a way of life for ourselves. The test of survival is finding what we are looking for and knowing what we are looking for. Even if our way of life seems impossible at times, it overcomes the obstacles set before it and tremendously helps us to survive. Through all our tribulations, we must continue to believe that our way of life will get better. However much you achieve within your way of life is the important thing. "The moment of victory is much too short to live for that, and nothing else." - Martina Navratilova, US Tennis Player, Advocate for Gay American rights. We all have different obstacles to get through. So we all need to stay as focused as we can on the current issue that we are dealing with. We will all get through everything we need to accomplish in our own orderly timeframe. All we need now is a return phone call.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Every day you are acting. When you act, you live each and every day. However since you are in a play called life, it could be viewed as a huge for the simple fact, that we survive all of our scenes.
Acting is a part of everyday life. Life is a great game. We all have to go through the many obstacles that are set before us.

Life is moving too fast, or so we believe. Our day has gotten trendously more structured. There are in essence no rehearsals for anything. You can not go back in time and make corrections to your actions. Once you have something completed, it is complete.

Life in a day

Before you were formed in the womb your days were crafted, numbered and set in place. They are chapters of the lessons you came here to learn, facets of the wisdom this world imparts, gateways to the treasures that belong to this lifetime alone.

Each day enters, opens its doors, tells its story, and then returns above, never to visit again. Never -- for any two days in the history of the cosmos will ever be the same.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Point of Life

Communication or transference of ideas may be an important point in life. However it covers an essence that is even deeper which is of great value and curiosity as also its the core of where life apparently gets all its wonder as well as glory.Communication and exchange of ideas are what makes life so abundantly celebratory and joyful. In essence this is what fundamentally gives birth to every life and every adventurous characteristic that makes life so great. There is no point in this accurate communicationto life without this in it. When you find exchanging ideas accurately is the point of life it makes you so overjoyed you don't care what you have to go through, you just want more to make you feel so exuberantly happy.

When you resist disclosing the information that is necessary for the essence of communication it is of great importance to get the information that is asked for in the moment. If communication does not take place in the moment it can lead to certain tragedies invariably.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Life Is Difficult

A life is so difficult, right? Why make it more difficult, that I would be ignorant right? We all have our different choices and views the help form the person that we have become and have to keep them as such, correct, why? Privacy, correct. But what if you were so important, you do not have privacy. You would go in sane. If you had so much power and could not get stress relief that is acceptable, you would turn to unacceptable means to get your stress out. The only problem is everyone is always watching today, especially today with the power of technology. No one could have secrets. This is a two fold issue.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Gift of Life

Each and every life is a gift as well as a right. It has to always be in a state of progression. To live is to be active. Activity keeps the mind as well as the body living. We should respect and cherish this gift wherever it shows itself.
All the days you wake up are a gift of the living powers of Earth. They have to all be respected as well as cherished in order to make sure you are as good a human being which you can be. The only person who really judges you is you.
Others can judge your actions here and now, but only you have the final say, on whether you are able to live with what you have done. You can do a lot more gruesome punishment to yourself than anyone else can, no matter how they try. No one can do greater damage to yourself than you.

Journey of Life

Life is a grand adventure. It should always be looked forward to, and never regretted. How you act is always natural. It has to be seen as a positive journey. Not as obstacles which receive all our energy, and no improvement is seen because of these tragic happenings.

Life is a journey as well as a destination. Some individuals are joyously happy just living day to day, no matter what happens. Some others want to change things as quickly as possible. There is a very small difference of preference.

These preferences are very powerful. They could make laws, rules, or regulation; which could be right or wrong. People control is voluntarily given.

That is at least how the human race takes all the rules which have been past down through time. This is only through all recorded history. However its history that is in question; because not all students like reviewing the past events. They rather live in the present as well as make their own history.

However, the present is helped by history. In fact the greater the knowledge of history the easier paths bloom throughout each day and every level of life. One way to view life is as a very complex game.

The more rules in the game you have the greater the challenges you have to overcome these rules; however you can also view this as the less freedom you have. By becoming very constrictive, the game becomes more routine and loses its sense of adventure. The greater the challenges are, in any case, the more complex the solutions are, for the variability of the situation perceived becomes.

What if perception was not only within an individual’s reality, but a complex interlude of temporal realities and phenomena’s of all of this having so much of a relevant consequence to this that the entirety of the solution would seem so inconsequential.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Youthful Living

When you are young life is about fun. As you age life gets more and more structured as you try to organize the disarray of what life brings to you. So when does the innocence of youthful living disappear? When we gain our maturity that is when we lose our youthfulness.

Returning to this youthfulness is easier then we think. Most mature people think life has to have a set schedule as well as a plan, however life is already far too complex to have those. You have to let go and open your mind, heart as well as soul to the wonderment that life brings fourth.

Make believe and dream a magical dream. Life is all you create as well as do not finish creating. So live your impossible impossibility of life. Let no rules stand in your way. Live your life like you live in your dreams. Dream a magical dream. Let no obstacle stand in your way. Make them your reality. This is only one of the options we have on how to return to this state of youthfulness.

Wouldn’t it be nice, if everyone lived there life according to one rule, treat others as you want to be treated. In your reality you have the power to make it as sweet or sour as you deem necessary.