An Assortment of Ways to make a Better World
Thoughts and ideas of Yeremiah and his views of the world. These are only views and opinions, they shouldn't be looked at as factual in any way.


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Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Who you hang around with can mean a lot to your success

While listening to a business speaker recently he mentioned that it’s vital to monitor who you hang around with when you’re trying to build a business. And this got me thinking about who I tend to hang around with and whether I actually keep the right company.

You see, it’s been very well documented that you often end up becoming like those you spend the most time with.

For example; if you spend a lot of time with folks who swear a lot you’re quite likely to become someone who swears a lot. If you start going out drinking regularly with drinkers then there’s a strong chance that you’ll become a habitual drinker (and maybe an alcoholic). Children who grow up with parents who smoke normally end up smoking too. And so on.

Those of us who are parents will know that we don’t want our children hanging around with those who swear, smoke and do stuff that’s disrespectful and often illegal.  Most parents want their kids to hang around with folks who are intelligent, respectful, and well behaved.  We instinctively know that attitudes and behaviours are contagious when it comes to kids.

But why do we seem to think that we’re any more immune to the bad (or beneficial) influences of others when we’re older?

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