An Assortment of Ways to make a Better World
Thoughts and ideas of Yeremiah and his views of the world. These are only views and opinions, they shouldn't be looked at as factual in any way.


Welcome and Thank-You for viewing my blog. These are a portrayal of my ideas and thoughts as well as my dreams. I hope you enjoy what you read and leave comments fso I can improve upon my writings. Thanks again for taking the time to read my thought.

Thursday, September 27, 2018



When you focus on thoughts about things you can't control or the things you fear, what happens? You get stressed, depressed and find yourself not in a good place mentally.  Since you can't control them, why let them get the best of you? 

Who is in charge?  YOU are!

Yes, you can take charge of your thoughts and what you are focusing on.  Will everything turn out exactly as planned?  Probably not.  Will you have a better chance of success?  I say yes, and so have a lot of other people.

If you are not doing it yet, remind yourself each day that you will become more and more aware of what you are thinking about.  Once you know, then decide which thoughts you want to give your full attention to.

Here's to you!  You can do this.  Just be sure to laugh a little today and enjoy the moments!

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

You Are The Greatest Miracle

By Prem P. Guragain

Never, Never, Never, Give Up

Muhammad Yunus, a Bangladeshi Banker, an Economist, founder of Grameen Bank and the Nobel Peace Prize winner in 2006, said:

"Each of us has much more hidden inside us than we have had a chance to explore. Unless we create an environment that enables us to discover the limits of our potential, we will never know what we have inside of us."

Since the day a baby is born, it is the responsibility of the parents to mold the character and future of that child. No matter how we try to hide our behavior and activity at home, children can sense it; either it is positive or negative.

The biographies of great human beings, who contributed something in a positive way, have always been inspiration to many of us. By reading their trials and tribulations, we can all learn 'what needs to be followed' and 'what needs to be eliminated'.

When one is determined and focused to accomplish something worthwhile, many obstacles and challenges will arise on the way. As long as the goal is crystal clear and mind is determined to get it done, nothing can stop him or her.

Let's continue to the rest of the article:

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Change and acceptance

You change on a daily basis, whether you realize it or not.  Others may say hey, you've changed and they're right.  Guess what?  They have changed too.  Remember no one knows you better than you know yourself.  Change is and can be your friend.  Try embracing change rather than wishing things were the way they use to be.  Accept what is going on today and move forward with a smile.



Your biggest competition this week is YOU!  Work to be better than you were yesterday.  You will be the only one who will be able to tell if you're making progress.  Don't give up if the going seems tough.  Keep working your plan and improving each day.  One tiny step each day will equal measurable movement over time.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

The Time Has Come - Your Time Is Now

By Steve Maraboli

It's Your Season

Hope you all had a great summer. The weekend that symbolizes the end of summer has passed. Kids are going back to school. College students are in their dorms. Teachers and professors are back in the classrooms. People everywhere are switching from the summer mindset to the "back to work" state of mind.

The summer season begins to make its elegant exit as the fall greets us with its refreshing breezes. Change is in the air... What about you? Are you going to allow the world around you to change while you remain stagnant? Why not let this season of change be YOUR season?

Let this be the time when the fresh fall breeze carries a tune of change that makes your heart dance! It's YOUR season! You have been waiting to break free and release your greatest self. Let this be your season.

What does Steve mean?  Let's continue reading:

Being Uncomfotable

Would you agree, Yeremiah, that if you only attempted to do comfortable things that you wouldn't be adequately prepared when the "uncomfortable" showed up?

Life is about experiencing everything you can - the good and the bad, the delightful and the sad - you know what I am talking about. Of course we all want life to move along smoothly with very few ripples.

May I ask you how do you deal with pain/sorrow/or anything uncomfortable if you never experienced it before? 

It may feel like a weight on your shoulders or on your life.  You can succumb to the pressure or you can try to use the experience to lift yourself up and out of it.  The more times you lift, the stronger you become.  By doing so , you are constantly preparing yourself to handle each and every situation the best you can.​​​​​​​

Here's to you today! Enjoy the ride!


According to Wikipedia, a Belief is the state of mind in which a person thinks something to be the case with or without there being empirical evidence to prove that something is the case with factual certainty.

We believe a lot of things, many are true and some are not. And belief has been responsible for many occurrences that we cannot explain otherwise. I've learned that everything is possible, whether I will ever see it or not.

Saturday, September 15, 2018


Today, Yeremiah, think of what could be if you put 20% more energy into your goal.  You can do it, and then add another 20% of extra effort.  You've done this before when you have accomplished most anything.  Don't forget to enjoy the ride while doing this.  You don't have to be so serious, keep your sense of humor and be easy on yourself and others along the way.  

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Learning Life's Lessons

Sent In by George Wachirah

Nudge The Balance

A 91-year-old woman died after living a very long dignified life. When she met God, she asked Him something that had really bothered her for a very long time. "If Man was created in God's image, and if all men are created equal, why do people treat each other so badly?"

God replied that each person who enters our life has a unique lesson to teach us. It is only through these lessons that we learn about life, people and our relationships with God. This confused the woman, so God began to explain:

"When someone lies to you, it teaches you that things are not always what they seem. The truth is often far beneath the surface. Look beyond the masks people wear if you want to know what is in their hearts. Remove your own masks to let people know who you really are.

When someone steals from you, it teaches you that nothing is forever. Always appreciate what you have. You never know when you might lose it. Never take your friends or family for granted because today, and sometimes only this very moment, is the only guarantee you may have.

Read more lessons at

Life's Toolkit

By Denise Lammi

More Valuable Than Your Junk-Drawer

You probably have a toolkit or a junk drawer that contains tools that you use to perform tasks such as cutting paper, tightening screws, gluing things together.

Have you ever tried to cut paper without scissors?

Tighten a screw with your fingernail?

Get something to stick together without glue?

You probably have - and wished that you had (or found) the appropriate tool.

And yet, you probably perform life tasks without giving any thought to using appropriate life tools - the tools that enable you to more effectively perform tasks related to the demands and challenges of everyday life.

It's time to check the contents of your life toolkit to determine if you have forgotten, or are missing, some vital tools!


Tuesday, September 4, 2018


Life is a masterpiece. Whatever you do will always shine and make you stand out in your surroundings. Live, laugh, and go wild you only get one life so make it count. Dance like no one is watching, sing off key, have a blast. You add to the masterpiece of your life constantly.