An Assortment of Ways to make a Better World
Thoughts and ideas of Yeremiah and his views of the world. These are only views and opinions, they shouldn't be looked at as factual in any way.


Welcome and Thank-You for viewing my blog. These are a portrayal of my ideas and thoughts as well as my dreams. I hope you enjoy what you read and leave comments fso I can improve upon my writings. Thanks again for taking the time to read my thought.

Friday, January 24, 2014


Memories are good to keep but not to dwell on. You can remember how to walk while you are still, but if you have so much conflict you may lose the ability.

Odds change and people change. We all have choices to change how we want. So in essence we change hiw we want. Change changes everything. Everything is up if the air, so what will happen?

Life should always be fun and ssporadic, but how much is up to you. 

Creativity needs to be charished in School

Schools are one of the reasons the world economy isn't where it should be. In Ken Robinson TED presentation of, "However Schools Kill Creativity," it gives examples of this.

At birth we start off with extroadinary level of human creativity. We have no idea whats going to happen. Children have extroadinary capacities for innovation. Unpredictability of what work there would be is not known when this generation graduates in 2065.

All children are born with tremendous talent and we squander them. Creativity should be treated as important as literacy. Children will take more chances that is why they both get in trouble and are happier than their adult counterparts. They are not prepared to be wrong which makes them original.

We are actually educating people out of their creative capacities because all children are born artists. The biggest problem is to remain artists, however they are taught that being different is wrong. We don't grow into creativity we grow out of it. Professors are what schools make. They live in their heads.

We can't afford to go on where creativity is the lowliest form of education. More people worldwide will be graduating with a degree in history, technology and medical science's, which is not nessarily a bad thing, but their have to artistic talent to weigh them out as well. A few years ago if you had a degree you had a job, however if you had no degree no job.

These are the ways intelligence is viewed.

If you are dynamic you are able to do many things, and are percieved as gifted. Now diversity means you are musically or inclined to dance. Distinct means you are unique and do not fall into the above catagories.

What education has done now, since the early nineteenth century is mined our minds as we mine the Earth which we see doesn't work. Here is a quote from Jonas Salk a medical researcher, "If all the inscects were to disappear from the Earth, within 50 years all life on earth will end. If all human beings would disappear from the Earth all life would flourish."

Thursday, January 23, 2014


You need a high self esteem. If you do not you can not accept gifts that are given to yourself. This issue means it is extremely difficult to trust yourself and others. You have to learn to trust in order to be happy. Love yourself first and you will eventually have others to love.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Deep Within

Just as the highest tower needs a deep foundation so to are higher thinking is based on going deep within.

Its time

It's your time: time to relax, time to think, time to contemplate. You are free to do all you are capable of, and you are resiliant more then you ever know.

Beauty cannot recognize its own beauty within. It seldom looks at itself, for it is too busy and wants to create likeness of itself. It is miraculous and spreads so rapidly from a small drop and that is where it begins.

It battles many times, mostly winning, but always learning from all the battles it partakes in. Beauty can be found in anything. However it only needs to be recognized. This recognition causes growth beyond belief.

You have to only take the time to recognize. It grows so much because of this.

Saturday, January 18, 2014


Views are basically interpretations of the outside world. These interpretations mold you in unforeseen ways. You have to slow down sometimes and just look and relax to remain healthy. Take a minute to enjoy the wonders because therr are no schedules except the ones we place on ourselves. We are very powerful entities. We should enjoy all we can. There always is an extension.

Points of view are easier to manipulate than view points. Views points are babies  in the creation process. However there are some ingrained points are very difficul to play around with.

The more petrified these points are, tje more difficult it is to coerce with them. Rejuvenation of views is always a difficult task. However it is of great importance to transform these views to make them relevant to other aspects.

Curiosity Never Leaves

Curiosity is fundemental in life. It never fully vacates from our humanity. It leads us to the discovery of new adventures. It grows access to new situational attributes.

It never fully vacates. It causes growth and acceptance. No matter what it causes it is your choice ho you are willing to view it. Curiosity is one of the driving forces of life. It causes us to change the structure of the old..

Without curiosity we would have little pain or pleasure. In taking the negative you also take the positive.

Love of being curious is very powerful. Love aquires the energy needed to give curiosity the strength it needs to last for all time.

Friday, January 17, 2014

The Day Never Seems As Bad

We now have people who predict weather and the like, and their say is usually right, or is it? You can always produce your own internal and external weather pattern.

This may be difficult, but it is always done. Every interaction, everyday can change your mood and thus your outlook on life: tje same way as every gust of wind can create a storm.


Whatever mood yoy are in, there is a colr for it.  These colors represent a lot more than is possibly imagiable.

They are constantly being created and recreated. These recreations may be as much as a shade to the mix of the totality of the colors. Colors are living entities and should be treated as such. You could see many different colors dependimg on how you observe the life that you are in as well as the life you want to lead.

The Changing Brain

The greatest ability we have to change with is the brain.  It has the most energy that is ever known to be.


We have so many passions and all the time in the world to pursue them. We just have to believe, because when we believe we see whatever we want. We have to trust in ourselves enough to folliw through with our beliefs and make them a reality.

Just slow down, there isn't any reason to be in such a rush. Life is yours, take as long as you want. There is no reason to frustrate yourself even more than you probably are. For life is yours.


Why are we trained as a youth to tackle life as well as to be aggressive in all aspects of existence. This really screws us up.

In order to really change we have to start examining our formative training. Our youths are ourselves after all. The age is just different, but they are just as wise as are adult selves

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Blessings, blessings everywhere

Blessings are all over. We just have t mo open our eyes. There are actually many more than we perceive.  We just have to keep hope alive, and stay as positive and upbeat throughout.

Anything is Possible

Anything is possible, if you just believe in yourself. The level of your belief is extremely important as well. You have to strongly believe in something you want to happen soon. The cosmos will align itself to your desires.

The main thing is to believe in yourself throughout existance. A strong mind does wonders in that realm of possiblities. A momentous sense pushes the boundries of realities even more.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

12-Step Program for Simplifying Your Life

My 12-Step Program for Simplifying Your Life
Here are 12 very specific tools for simplifying your life. Begin using them today if you’re serious about hearing that ultimate call to inspiration.

Unclutter Your Life. You’ll feel a real rush of inspiration when you clear out stuff that’s no longer useful in your life: 

If you haven’t worn it in the past year or two, recycle it for others to use. Get rid of old files that take up space and are seldom, if ever, needed. Donate unused toys, tools, books, bicycles, and dishes to a charitable organization. 

Get rid of anything that keeps you mired in acquisitions that contribute to a cluttered life. In the words of Socrates, “He is nearest to God who needs the fewest things.” So the less you need to insure, protect, dust, reorganize, and move, the closer you’ll be to hearing inspiration’s call.

Clear your Calendar of Unwanted and Unnecessary Activities and Obligations. If you’re unavailable for Spirit, you’re unlikely to know the glow of inspiration. God will indeed work with you and send you the guidance—and the people—you need, but if you’re grossly overscheduled, you’re going to miss these life-altering gifts. So practice saying no to excessive demands and don’t feel guilty about injecting a dose of leisure time into your daily routine.

Be Sure to Keep Your Free Time  Be on the lookout for invitations to functions that may keep you on top of society’s pyramid, but which inhibit your access to joyful inspiration. If cocktail parties, social get-togethers, fund-raising events, or even drinking-and-gossiping gatherings with friends aren’t really how you want to spend your free time, then don’t. Begin declining invitations that don’t activate feelings of inspiration. I find that an evening spent reading or writing letters, watching a movie with a loved one, having dinner with my children, or even exercising alone is far more inspiring than getting dressed to attend a function often filled with small talk. I’ve learned to be unavailable for such events without apologizing, and consequently have more inspired moments freed up.

Take Time for Meditation and Yoga. Give yourself at least 20 minutes a day to sit quietly and make conscious contact with God. I’ve written an entire book on this subject called Getting in the Gap, so I won’t belabor it here. I will say that I’ve received thousands of messages from people all over the world, who have expressed their appreciation for learning how to simplify their life by taking the time to meditate. I also encourage you to find a yoga center near you and begin a regular practice. The rewards are so powerful: You’ll feel healthier, less stressed, and inspired by what you’ll be able to do with and for your body in a very short time. 

Return to the Simplicity of Nature. There’s nothing more awe-inspiring than nature itself. The fantasy to return to a less tumultuous life almost always involves living in the splendor of the mountains, the forests, or the tundra; on an island; near the ocean; or beside a lake. These are universal urges, since nature is created by the same Source as we are, and we’re made up of the same chemicals as all of nature (we’re stardust, remember?).

Your urge to simplify and feel inspired is fueled by the desire to be your natural self—that is, your nature self. So give yourself permission to get away to trek or camp in the woods; swim in a river, lake, or ocean; sit by an open fire; ride horseback through trails; or ski down a mountain slope. This doesn’t have to mean long, planned vacations that are months away—no matter where you live, you’re only a few hours or even moments away from a park, campground, or trail that will allow you to enjoy a feeling of being connected to the entire Universe.

Put Distance between You and Your Critics. Choose to align yourself with people who are like-minded in their search for simplified inspiration. Give those who find fault or who are confrontational a silent blessing and remove yourself from their energy as quickly as possible. Your life is simplified enormously when you don’t have to defend yourself to anyone, and when you receive support rather than criticism. You don’t have to endure the criticism with anything other than a polite thank-you and a promise to consider what’s been said—anything else is a state of conflict that erases the possibility of your feeling inspired. You never need to defend yourself or your desires to anyone, as those inner feelings are Spirit speaking to you. Those thoughts are sacred, so don’t ever let anyone trample on them.

 Consider that the number one health problem in America seems to be obesity. How can you feel inspired and live in simplicity if you’re gorging on excessive amounts of food and eliminating the exercise that the body craves? Recall that your body is a sacred temple where you reside for this lifetime, so make some time every single day for exercising it. Even if you can only manage a walk around the block, just do it. Similarly, keep the words portion control uppermost in your consciousness—your stomach is the size of your fist, not a wheelbarrow! Respect your sacred temple and simplify your life by being an exerciser and a sensible eater. I promise that you’ll feel inspired if you act on this today!

Play, Play, Play! You’ll simplify your life and feel inspired if you learn to play rather than work your way through life. I love to be around kids because they inspire me with their laughter and frivolity. In fact, if I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it a thousand times: “Wayne, you’ve never grown up—you’re always playing.” I take great pride in this! I play onstage when I speak, and I’m playing now as I write. 

Many years ago I was given a tremendous opportunity to appear on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. The man who took a chance on me, booking me even though I was an unknown at the time, was a talent coordinator named Howard Papush. It was my first big break, and I went on to appear on The Tonight Show 36 additional times. Now it’s my turn to say thank you to Howard. He’s written a wonderful book titled When’s Recess? Playing Your Way Through the Stresses of Life, which I encourage you to read. (Howard also conducts workshops that teach people how to play and have fun in life.) In the book, Howard shares this great quote from Richard Bach: “You are led through your lifetime by the inner learning creature, the playful spiritual being that is your real self.” I couldn’t agree more—by all means, get back in touch with your real, playful self, and take every opportunity to play! Notice how it makes everything so sweet, and so simple.

Slow Down. One of Gandhi’s most illuminating observations reminds us that “there is more to life than increasing its speed.” This is great advice for simplifying your life—in fact, slow everything way down for a few moments right here and now. Slowly read these words. Slow your breathing down so that you’re aware of each inhalation and exhalation...

When you’re in your car, downshift and relax. Slow down your speech, your inner thoughts, and the frantic pace of everything you do. Take more time to hear others. Notice your inclination to interrupt and get the conversation over with, and then choose to listen instead. Stop to enjoy the stars on a clear night and the cloud formations on a crisp day. Sit down in a mall and just observe how everyone seems in a hurry to get nowhere.

By slowing down, you’ll simplify and rejoin the perfect pace at which creation works. Imagine trying to hurry nature up by tugging at an emerging tomato plant—you’re as natural as that plant, so let yourself be at peace with the perfection of nature’s plan.

Do Everything You Can to Eschew Debt. Remember that you’re attempting to simplify your life here, so you don’t need to purchase more of what will complicate and clutter your life. If you can’t afford it, let it go until you can. By going into debt, you’ll just add layers of anxiety onto your life. That anxiety will then take you away from your peace, which is where you are when you’re in-Spirit. When you have to work extra hard to pay off debts, the present moments of your life are less enjoyable; consequently, you’re further away from the joy and peace that are the trademarks of inspiration. You’re far better off to have less and enjoy the days of your life than to take on debt and invite stress and anxiety where peace and tranquility could have reigned. And remember that the money you have in your possession is nothing but energy—so refuse to plug in to an energy system that’s not even there.

Forget about the Cash Value. I try not to think about money too frequently because it’s been my observation that people who do so tend to think about almost nothing else. So do what your heart tells you will bring you joy, rather than determining whether it will be cost-effective. If you’d really enjoy that whale-watching trip, for instance, make the decision to do so—don’t deny yourself the pleasures of life because of some monetary detail. Don’t base your purchases on getting a discount, and don’t rob yourself of a simple joy because you didn’t get a break on the price. You can afford a happy, fulfilling life, and if you’re busy right now thinking that I have some nerve telling you this because of your bleak financial picture, then you have your own barrier of resistance.

Make an attempt to free yourself from placing a price tag on everything you have and do—after all, in the world of Spirit, there are no price tags. Don’t make money the guiding principle for what you have or do; rather, simplify your life and return to Spirit by finding the inherent value in everything. A dollar does not determine worth, even though you live in a world that attempts to convince you otherwise. 

Remember  Spirit. When life tends to get overly complex, too fast, too cluttered, too deadline oriented, or too type A for you, stop and remember your own spirit. You’re headed for inspiration, a simple, peaceful place where you’re in harmony with the perfect timing of all creation. Go there in your mind, and stop frequently to remember what you really want.

"I hope you live a life you're proud of. If you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again."-- Eric Roth