An Assortment of Ways to make a Better World
Thoughts and ideas of Yeremiah and his views of the world. These are only views and opinions, they shouldn't be looked at as factual in any way.


Welcome and Thank-You for viewing my blog. These are a portrayal of my ideas and thoughts as well as my dreams. I hope you enjoy what you read and leave comments fso I can improve upon my writings. Thanks again for taking the time to read my thought.

Thursday, February 27, 2025


1. Always stand up while shaking hands with someone.
2. Never make the first offer in a negotiation.
3. Keep their secret if they have faith in you.
4. Return an automobile they lend you with the tank full.
5. Act passionately or don't act at all.
6. Shake hands firmly and stare the other person in the eye.
7. Take a solo trip and experience it.
8. There are clear reasons why you should never refuse a peppermint tablet.
9. If aging is your goal, heed advice.
10. Join the new individual at the office or school for dinner.
11. If you are furious and you are texting someone, complete, read, delete, and rewrite the message.
12. You avoid discussing business, politics, or religion at the table.
13. Set goals and work toward them in writing.
14. Present your case while showing people respect and tolerance.
15. Make a visit and phone your family.
16. Never look back and always learn from your experiences
17. Your personality ought to be one of loyalty and honor.
18. Never give money to someone you know won't be able to repay you.
19. Have faith in something.
20. Make your bed as soon as you wake up.
21. Take a shower and sing.
22. Maintain a garden or a plant.
23. Look up at the sky whenever you get the chance.
24. Recognize and utilize your strengths.
25. Embrace your work or quit it.
26. When you need assistance, ask for it.
27. Instruct someone in a value—ideally a modest one.
28. Express gratitude to the person who is reaching out to you.
29. Show your neighbors kindness.
30. If you brighten someone else's day, it will brighten yours as well.
31. Put yourself to the test.
32 Give yourself a treat at least yearly
33. Look after your well-being.
34. Always give a cheerful greeting.
35. Speak slowly, but think quickly.
36. Avoid speaking while full of mouth.
37. Always maintain a neat appearance, trim your nails, and shine your shoes.
38. Avoid voicing an opinion on topics you are unfamiliar with.
39. Don't treat others badly.
40. Approach each day as though it were your last.
41. Don't ever pass up the chance to keep silent.
42. Give someone credit for their work.
43. Have humility, even if it's not always present.
44. Always remember your origins.
45. Take trips whenever you can.
46. Resign from the step.
47 Take a rainy dance.
48. Keep going after your success.
49. Treat others fairly and defend those in need.
50. Acquire the skill of relishing solitude.