An Assortment of Ways to make a Better World
Thoughts and ideas of Yeremiah and his views of the world. These are only views and opinions, they shouldn't be looked at as factual in any way.


Welcome and Thank-You for viewing my blog. These are a portrayal of my ideas and thoughts as well as my dreams. I hope you enjoy what you read and leave comments fso I can improve upon my writings. Thanks again for taking the time to read my thought.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Everyone Appreciates Being Appreciated


Have you ever noticed the look on someone's face when you praise them for doing something right? They beam! Why? Because most of the time, they are afraid that people will catch them doing something wrong, and then the criticism starts.

Let's face it, we love to be appreciated, and we also have learned how important it is to let others know how much we appreciate them.

Your appreciation for the little things in life is a wonderful character trait to develop and exercise daily.

Sometimes, you might feel confused when the word gratitude comes up along with appreciation. No, they are not the same thing. Gratitude is a feeling of thankfulness, while appreciation is when you show that gratitude.

So the next time you have the opportunity to express your appreciation to someone, take advantage of it! Not only will the other person feel special that you recognized them, but your heart will feel a little happier too.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Your Past Is In The Past


Your Future Is Wide Open

When you woke up, today was yesterday's future. How are you going to live it? Everything you do is your choice.

Will you still want to go through the motions and routines you have become comfortable with? How often do you think about what you want to do in the future? Who do you want to be, and how do you want to live on purpose?

Who you are and where you are today happened because of your past choices. The past is over; you can't change it; you can change your future by changing how you think and act, starting now. With a spotless future ahead of you, you can do amazing things with your life in the days, weeks, and years to come.

Live intentionally, and not unconsciously. Fill today with the hopes and dreams you had yesterday or find new ones to pursue. Take responsibility for your thoughts, words, and actions, and decide how you will respond. You are on your way to new growth, new learning, new words, and a new life, right?

Your future is brighter than you know right now. Dream more, do more, and be more. I'm here to encourage you along the way!

You Can Start Right Now


Do you wake up each morning to expect a great day? Or are you searching for more improvement in one or more areas of your life?

If you are looking to improve, that means growth awaits, and it will be an exciting time with a positive attitude. Don't be surprised if fear tries to show up when you seek changes. Look at it, and if you can discover what is causing the fear, you will be able to move on more quickly with more confidence.

So how do you go about starting these improvements? Here are some affirmations you can say out loud or to yourself to get focused and in the right mindset.

I believe that each day is a fresh start and I will make the most of it!

I can change my life by changing my priorities.

I know that taking action is key to achieving my goals.

I won't be afraid to ask for help.

I am surrounding myself with positive people.

I will keep a positive attitude, even when things get tough.

I have to celebrate my accomplishments!

Everyone starts where they are. If your life is working out as you want it, congratulations! If it's not, more resources will be coming your way.