An Assortment of Ways to make a Better World
Thoughts and ideas of Yeremiah and his views of the world. These are only views and opinions, they shouldn't be looked at as factual in any way.


Welcome and Thank-You for viewing my blog. These are a portrayal of my ideas and thoughts as well as my dreams. I hope you enjoy what you read and leave comments fso I can improve upon my writings. Thanks again for taking the time to read my thought.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Mind Power

Your Mind Has Power


Quote Of The Day:September 23, 2021

woman hiding in the leaves and a quote by K. Canadic

"Manpower moves wrenches, horsepower moves cars, and the power of the mind moves the world."
--- K. Canadic

Spread The Word -- Act Now!!

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Sunday, September 19, 2021

September 11, 2001

This was a moment in time that the world will never forget. It was a time when the free world came together, united, to grieve and stand up with one loud voice to say "No" to terrorism.
We promise you we will never forget those who lost their lives, their sacrifices and honor all the brave people who helped others that day and beyond. Know that all of their lives mattered, and we will keep their memory in our hearts forever.
Please read through the five (5 long pages) Remember September 11, 2001 filled with messages to all of us, from people around the world, and share them with others using the hashtag #MotivateUs911NeverForget

Person of Peace


Are you a peaceful person? Do you live a peaceful life? I think many people do, and that's why Wayne Dyer's words struck me today. Peace, like love, changes people; it makes them stronger, more flexible, and understanding.
Your mind is so powerful and more active than you consciously know. According to a article in Newsweek, psychologists estimate that the average person has over 6,000 every day. No wonder you sometimes feel like your head hurts!
So what do you do with all of these thoughts rushing through your head? Focus on peace and not harming others. Whether it be by words, thoughts, or actions, focus on helping others.
Hopefully, each day, we learn, grow, and live the best we can while being aware that others may need a lift in their lives. Think about what you could do today to help someone out.
Consciously decide to control what you will focus on mentally, and you will see the result manifest in all areas of your life.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Simple Acts Can Change The World


It's easy to feel small and helpless in a world full of big problems, but there are simple actions you can take daily to change it for the better.

The following article is written by Julie Peterson, who is a Random Acts of Kindness activist. She shares different ways you can contribute to the greatness you want to see happen in your homes, work environment, community, and world-wide.

Friday, September 3, 2021


Marlene Are you someone who encourages others? I suspect you are. Doesn't it feel great when you can be there to help someone? By doing so, you show them a couple of things. 1) They are not alone, and 2) You believe in them. From the time you were born until the day you die, there will be circumstances, maybe each day, where you will need someone to say, "Wow, you did a good job," or "That's okay, you'll get it. Let's try again." I think you get the picture. Everybody needs encouragement, in some form, to feel connected to everything and everyone. So today, find someone you can help to encourage. Be their cheerleader! Give them a smile, a word of hope and belief, or maybe take action to lighten their load. You can make a difference in someone else's life so easily; be kind, respectful, and caring. Be there, not to judge but to help. I doubt that you will ever regret it. Yeremiah Hardt

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Keep Your Chin Up

Keep on smiling, no matter what life throws your way you will get through it, if you believe you can and ask for help when you need it. Life has a wacky way of showing us who we can depend on, but you have to depend on yourself most of all. Believe in yourself and nothing can stop your spirit from surpassing the odds.