An Assortment of Ways to make a Better World
Thoughts and ideas of Yeremiah and his views of the world. These are only views and opinions, they shouldn't be looked at as factual in any way.


Welcome and Thank-You for viewing my blog. These are a portrayal of my ideas and thoughts as well as my dreams. I hope you enjoy what you read and leave comments fso I can improve upon my writings. Thanks again for taking the time to read my thought.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

A Few Calming Methods

1. Meditate at least 20 minutes a day.  Set aside at least 20 minutes to sit quietly and observe the mind. Making this a priority in your life lets the mind know that you are in charge of it, instead of that it's in charge of you. Daily meditation is the key to getting deeply in touch with your innermost feelings, beliefs, memories, and thought patterns. When you meditate, the most important information from the bottom of the mind tends to bubble up for you to see it and release it.  As you let it go, you become even more available to the present moment, able to see what is totally here now, instead of being trapped in the ego's desires from yesterday. When we meditate long enough, and deep enough, we stop being trapped in the game the mind is playing with us.  We become more conscious of who we truly are, and the unlimited power that is inside us. 

2. Randomly notice if you're conscious or unconscious.How often do you think you operate like a robot and go on automatic pilot throughout your day? Randomly take a few moments each day to reflect on how present you are to being here now. You have the ability to be super conscious and surrendered to every moment, and this is absolute ecstasy! The more aware you are of what is happening in the Now, the more enlightened you become, and the easier it is to choose the life you want to create.  This super conscious aware energy allows you to completely focus all of your energy in one direction, so you become a magnet to effortlessly attract the life you want in the outer world.

3. Visualize and feel exactly what you want to manifest. Spend a few minutes each morning visualizing what you truly want to manifest. See yourself doing the thing you most want to be doing.  Imagine that it has already occurred and you're just experiencing it in the physical world.  You can use the support of one of the many guided meditations in our Super Manifesting Program to support you with this. The key here is that through training your mind to consciously visualize something, it creates an energetic blueprint for the Universe to follow.  This acts as your main guide for your entire day, where your mind and body automatically align with your dream, and result in magnetizing whatever it is that you heart desires.

4. Question your reality and know what your heart truly desires. Every so often ask yourself this powerful question, "What am I focusing my mind on and why?" You will be astounded at how this simple question can awaken you and transform your life. It will help you to refocus on what your heart is truly after.  Often as kids we get programmed with our parent's desires, and end up thinking that these are ourdesires.  What we truly want gets squashed by our parents unmet hopes, dreams, and needs.  When the mind returns to the heart and questions what it really truly wants, we begin to get more energy and enthusiasm to live our life instead of theirs.

Asking this question deeply will re-center you, ground you, and support you greatly in your manifesting journey. Use the mind as often as you can to become more conscious of the kind of experiences, interactions, feelings, and events that make your heart sing!  It's the best investment you'll ever make in your life, and the result is total fulfillment and satisfaction of who you are year after year.

Get ready to catapult your life into an extremely positive and empowering direction for the next 90 days!!  ALL the greatest manifesting techniques and exercises you'll need to raise your vibration and attract the life of your dreams is found in my online Super Manifesting Program which you can instantly download right now!

Inside you'll receive all 12 guided manifesting meditations that will instantly shift your energy and turn you into a powerful manifesting magnet!  This instant download contains over 350+ pages of enlightening material and 250+ minutes of manifesting meditations on MP3 audio! It may just be the greatest gift you've ever given yourself this year.

Believe me, it's much easier to create the life you truly desire by using this proven manifesting technology.  Everything you want in the form of love, money, relationships, career, sex, health and energy can and will be yours by following my proven manifesting routine for just 90 days!  I know it sounds too good to be true, yet when you start applying the manifesting exercises, you will feel more abundant and naturally start attracting more abundant situations and positive circumstances to you!

Monday, December 16, 2013


Change begins with one person's courage and perseverance to stand up and voice their opinion. Opinions cannot be correct or incorrect. This person encourages others to join them and speak their mind. It begins a tidal wave of voices and something gets done. The movement changes a bit with every person that joins it.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

 3 basic forgiveness steps:

1. Recognize your Attachment to your Story - When you hold onto a grudge, you are actually holding onto the story about what happened along with heavy feelings attached to your story.  When you fully feel those heavy feelings that arise when you think about your story, you then can move through them and underneath them.  Be curious about what is there underneath your feelings, as it will be something you never thought of before.  Notice how you played your part in the drama and take responsibility for the role you stepped into.  When you understand what the "payoff" of benefit you received by playing this role, no matter how horrible it was, you can then let go of the pattern completely. 

2. Release those Repressed Feelings - When someone mistreats or hurts us, we may either express this pain or repress it.  If you were taught to repress your feelings, put on a brave face, and go on with our life, you'll have many heavy feelings inside you rotting away at your core.  All repressed feelings fester deep inside of us, and cause us to continue to carry a burden about life, relationships, people and the world. The first step in forgiving is letting go of these heavy feelings, allowing them to turn into lighter feelings. There are many techniques that can help you release pent up emotions from the past. One simple way you can do this on your own is emotional release journaling. Just write about the past event without censoring it.  Write from your most emotional place and keep writing until you have emptied everything out. Do not read it once you have finished. Wait a few days or weeks before you read it.  You can burn what you have journaled and proclaim out-loud "I let this go". If your repressed emotions are very strong or feel overwhelming, it may be best to get the support of a trained professional to help you let them go. 

3. Continuously Choose Forgiveness -  In every moment, you have the opportunity to choose forgiveness.  Once you release that holding onto the past only harms you, you can consciously choose to let it go instead of returning to resentment.  Choosing forgiveness is a constant process.  This means you will always choose to feel feelings of lightness, freedom and healing from the past event. Once you have decided to forgive someone, visualize the person is in front of you, and say it out loud to them, "I forgive you completely for what happened.  I love you and thank you for the lesson.  Please forgive me for what I've done."  Notice how it feels just reading this proclamation in your body.  By stating this message out loud you create an instant energetic shift in your body. The person can be on the phone, in the room or simply there in your mind.  If you do this in your mind, the secret is that it must FEEL real to you.  You will be amazed out how this declaration starts opening up your entire world in ways you never dreamed were possible.  You'll soon see how it sparks the manifestation of more positive and desired experiences into your life.