Why does everything we do have to need to match someone’s expectation and that not being our own? We, as a race, think we need to follow someone else's rules. While that is true to some extent, we need to be able to express ourselves as well as respond to a situation as honestly as well as truthfully as possible. If we don't do this we will not be living as well as we can. Truth is all there is, basically. If we are not honest as well as truthful with ourselves, how can we expect to be truthful with others.
Falseness leads to disease. Why do people as oppose to other species now suffer from so much disease? We have way to many problems because we always have to be in control. What happens when you cage an animal? It eventually dies of malnutrition or lack of exercise. In essence our control which leads to worry is our biggest disease our race has ever faced.
Why do we find that we need to organize everything to our own standards, as well as make sure they are in line with everyone else’s ideals?
Why is it so hard for us to speak our minds, as well as be honest with everyone around us? What are we afraid of?
Yeremiah Hardt
Demi Moore
1 day ago