An Assortment of Ways to make a Better World
Thoughts and ideas of Yeremiah and his views of the world. These are only views and opinions, they shouldn't be looked at as factual in any way.


Welcome and Thank-You for viewing my blog. These are a portrayal of my ideas and thoughts as well as my dreams. I hope you enjoy what you read and leave comments fso I can improve upon my writings. Thanks again for taking the time to read my thought.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Is Acting Living?

We wake each morning in a different mood, and put on different costumes. William Shakespeare was correct when he stated that “All the world’s a stage.” We all change mood, costumes and props which are the merchandise we own frequently. Even the sets change when we move from place to place. Life is quite literally a movie with script that is not complete until after the show date. It also has no rehearsal, no stage crew and no preset musical numbers except the ones we choose to learn. We make as well as receive constant character changes, replacement, and new characters appear so suddenly it is spooky, with character renewals and firings that are so real it is spooktactular. In addition to this languages change so speedily that it is very difficult to keep up. Not to mention the wide array of body types in addition to so many varying roles, it is a wonder the show is not always a terrorizing adventurous plot.

There are a great number of roles, that some have to take on more than one at times which must be why a few actors are downhearted so much of the time. There are also some scenes that are very tightly cast where only a certain number of performers are allowed in a scene. The show is always open to spectator additions.

Scenery is a great art that has the awesome ability to change sporadically as quick or slow depending on the sequential scenes there are. Actor’s demands are great. They start out receiving a lot from different sources. Then they plateau. Near the end they receive a lot as well. Very curious if you ask me the demands of the actors as well as the regular participant are.

Unexpected exits as well as occurrences’ plus the fact of returning or not on top of the fact of lighting that constantly changes plus environmental changes have to be extremely maintained to prevent loss. There is one thing that the show has the best of and it is the natural scenery which looks so remarkable you would think it’s real. You often have to also deal with the unexpected casting recalls and the vacancies of cast that you cared for. You have to always remember that it is a play so have the most fun you can and never take it so seriously or it will drive you off a cliff.

This show at times has a hard plot to follow as well as discover. There is always a hero or heroine and a villain or villainess. It is not so easy to follow this drama though, but we have to give it a shot. However it always gets more interesting as you get deeper into the story, no matter which part you picked or were given. The show may have a dull period plus a real emotion filled scene, so much that you feel as if you are one of the characters within the show. Different lenses are used to mix the genres as well as the style there is always a mixed and growing cast which is constantly diversifying with itself and creating new scenes for themselves.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Unique Gift of Life

Sometimes the hardest thing about living an exceptional life is realizing what it means. In the simplest essential terms it just means living well by your means, but how it is viewed by others now that’s where the story gets funny. If life is exceptional while alive you are under a magnifine glass, every choice being analyzed by complete strangers who do not have a clue as to the circumstances or state of mind that you were in when you made that ungodly choice of painting that wall puke green with pumpkin orange borders.

However another more important thing to be noted is that each day as well as each moment you are on the planet you have a chance, just one chance if that to build on your most precious and eternal dreams through the collaboration of the communities of the population of the living entities of which we know of as well as which we do not know.

If our dreams don’t get destroyed we know that they are in the alignment of the unknown factor or they may be just making us believe that. Second-guessing ourselves will only drive us even crazier. So stop second guessing and leave the analyzation to the real nuts like the peanut.